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Jarves.cms Vagrant

This repository contains a Vagrantfile for Jarves.cms. You can use it to have a development version of Jarves.cms, to play around with it etc.

Does currently not work due to symlinks /vagrant/src and PropelBundle


- VirtualBox


$ git clone
$ cd jarvescms-vagrant
$ vagrant up
$ git clone src/Jarves
$ git clone src/Jarves/Publication
$ git clone src/Jarves/DemoTheme

$ vagrant ssh

# you're inside of the vm now
$ cd /var/www/jarvescms
$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .
$ sudo chmod -R g+w .

# setup demo-data (required)
$ sudo su www-data --command='/var/www/jarvescms/app/console jarves:models:build -vv'
$ sudo su www-data --command='/var/www/jarvescms/app/console jarves:install:demo localhost / -vv'

Open http://localhost:8080/.

The initial step "builds" a Jarves.cms with Symfony 2.4 and installs it. Target folder is /var/www/jarvescms/.

Use TESTING=1 vagrant up to fire the test suite. If you use this, the target folder is ./JarvesCmsBundle/ because we checkout the main repository (if not exist already) and do not setup a functional Symfony installation. This is used in our CI build servers.

MySQL credentials are:

    user: root
    pw: jarves
    database name: symfony