Temple University
- Philadelphia, PA
- https://sites.google.com/view/james-rosado-site2
PythonNeuronMeshes Public
This repository is generating neuron mesh geometries from 1d Neuromorpho.org geometries.
jarosado0911 Public
I am currently a graduate student at Temple University studying Computational Neuroscience.
MatLab-1D-Diffusion-Example Public
This is an example of plotting the solution of 1D diffusion in MatLab using PDE solve functionality
Old-MatLab-HHCode Public
This is the code from my semester project on Hodgkin Huxley formulism
Me-Learning-CPP Public
These are my attempts of doing problems in C++ using How To Program by Deitel & Deitel (4th edition)
rTMS-Calcium-Dynamics Public
The repository contains the codes for the rTMS Calcium Dynamics Project
Me-Learning-Java Public
These are the exercises that I am attempting while Learning Java, I am using the book "Big Java"
Old-Solver-Codes Public
These are old test codes I made for the virtual reality neuron project
Image-Reconstruction Public
This is a MatLab project I made for image reconstruction
Calculus-I-Handouts-Tex Public
These are my Calculus Handouts
These are notebooks from my Engineering Analysis course
These are some old mathematica notebooks for check indefinite integrals
This contains the codes for the Spine-Dendrite Calcium Dynamics Project
Hodgkin-Huxley-YaleNeuron Public
This repository contains the codes for running the HH model using Yale Neuron, in particular using Python Scripts
Summer-Brain-Initiative Public
These are codes from when I attended the NIH Summer Brain Initiative
Neuro-Collection-Tutorial Public
These are tutorials I am making for using Neuro-Collection with ug4