My-brand-BE is a backend project about a personal brand as a developer its main goal is to establish one as a professional software developer
my-brand-BE has Restful APIs that can be used to perform CRUD operations for blog posts,also for users that have signed up for your services as a software developer
- Node
- Express
- Mongoose
- MongoDB
- Typescript
These softwares need to be installed first
- Node
- MongoDB
an application to test the API such as Insomnia
created a cloudinary account and used it to upload images into the mongoDB database
- express
- mongoose
- passport
- passport-local
- passport-jwt
- cloudinary
- multer
Here I started by installing typescript as development dependency.also installed the @types declaration packages for the above dependicies
The project is implemented with Authentication and Authorization and also end points that perform CRUD functionalities
I deployed my server using Render platform . You can test the project using this Server link
Make sure these prequisites are installed Node, MongoDB
- clone the repo to your local machine, use this link
- open your terminal
- type npm install
- type npm run dev
- use a testing API application of your choice to test all end points