A stand-alone in-memory weighted prefix autosuggest/autocomplete service
go get && go run twocents.go;
The service comes with a default dictionary named census. Open example/twocents.html in your browser to see it in action.
twocents [-d pathToDataFiles] [-p port] [-a admin port] [-c cors-origin]
The optional pathToDataFiles is the name of a directory containing pipe-delimited txt files of the format
For example, in /tmp/dictionaries/defaults.txt:
Football Factory|1
Football Association Cup|78
Food Technology Services Inc|1
Food and Drug Administration|5869
Food and Chemical Toxicology|1
Food Cycle Science|1
Food Contamination and Poisoning|3321
Food Stamps|726
Food Additives|348
Food Aid|98
Food Banks and Pantries|73
Food Trucks and Vendors|23
National Football League|8344
National Football League Players Assn|259
Food and Drug Administration|5869
Food Contamination and Poisoning|3321
Football Factory|1
Football Association Cup|78
Fast Food Industry|1627
Food Stamps|726
International Federation of Association Football|575
Snack Foods|363
curl http://localhost:8080/twocents/v1/<dictionaryName>/<prefixQuery>[/<limit>]
For example:
curl http://localhost:8080/twocents/v1/default/foo
The response contains the phrases with words starting with the query string, in descending order by weight:
"suggestions": [
"National Football League",
"Food and Drug Administration",
"Food Contamination and Poisoning",
"Fast Food Industry",
"Food Stamps",
"International Federation of Association Football",
"Snack Foods"
Using the limit parameter:
curl http://localhost:8080/twocents/v1/default/foo/6
The response contains only the first 6 entries:
"suggestions": [
"National Football League",
"Food and Drug Administration",
"Food Contamination and Poisoning",
Using the filter parameter:
curl http://localhost:8080/twocents/v1/default/foo/1000/fight
The response contains only the first 6 entries:
"suggestions": [
"Foo Fighters"
Reloading the data dictionaries:
curl http://localhost:8081/twocents/admin/reload
The response will either indicate that a reload has been initiated, or is already under way
Sample dictionary "census" comes from the US Census website at http://www.census.gov/popest/data/cities/totals/2014/files/SUB-EST2014_ALL.csv