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A Github Action to install the current Vulkan SDK and runtime library.


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Github Action: Install Vulkan SDK

A Github Action to install the Vulkan SDK and it's runtime.

  • This action can be used to install the Vulkan SDK in your Github Action workflows.
  • The SDK version number is automatically fetched via the Web API, if not set to a fixed version number manually (latest).
  • The installation of optional SDK components is supported.
  • The size of the installed SDK is reduced to achieve a smaller cache package size (only on Windows).
  • The installer supports runners for Windows, Linux, macOS, Windows-ARM, and Linux-ARM.

About Vulkan

What is Vulkan?

The Khronos Vulkan API is an explicit, low-overhead, cross-platform graphics and compute API. Vulkan provides applications with control over the system execution and the system memory to maximize application efficiency on a wide variety of devices from PCs and consoles to mobile phones and embedded platforms.

The Vulkan SDK enables Vulkan developers to develop Vulkan applications.

Links: | Vulkan SDK | Vulkan SDK Docs | Vulkan Tools | Vulkan @ gpuinfo

What is the Vulkan SDK?

The Vulkan Software Development Kit (SDK) is a collection of tools, libraries, headers, and validation layers needed to develop Vulkan applications.

It includes:

  • Vulkan API headers: Required for compiling Vulkan applications.
  • Validation layers: Help debug and validate Vulkan API usage.
  • SPIR-V tools: For compiling and optimizing shader code.
  • Sample code and documentation: To help developers learn Vulkan.
  • Loader and drivers: Ensures proper Vulkan function dispatch.

The Vulkan SDK is provided by LunarG and is essential for developers who want to build and test Vulkan-based applications.

What is the Vulkan SDK for ARM?

The Vulkan SDK for ARM is an unofficial custom build SDK based on the official tarballs for Linux and build on Github Actions runners (ubuntu-24.04-arm, ubuntu-22.04-arm).

The installer uses releases from

Currently (02-2025), KHRONOS has no plans to modify the official tarball to include prebuilt ARM binaries or to release or update the Ubuntu packages for ARM.

What is the Vulkan Runtime?

The Vulkan Runtime (VulkanRT) refers to the essential Vulkan libraries and drivers installed on a system, allowing Vulkan applications to run.

It typically includes:

  • The Vulkan loader: Manages Vulkan function calls and interfaces with GPU drivers.
  • Runtime libraries: Required to execute Vulkan applications.

Unlike the SDK, the Vulkan Runtime is typically installed automatically by your GPU driver (from NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel) and is needed for running Vulkan applications.

This installer enables you to install the latest Vulkan Runtime for development, allowing you to test your applications with the most up-to-date runtime and bundle it for redistribution when packaging your application.


Quick start

    runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }}
          - { name: "Windows",       os: windows-latest }
          - { name: "Ubuntu",        os: ubuntu-latest }
          - { name: "MacOS",         os: macos-latest }
          - { name: "Ubuntu 22 Arm", os: ubuntu-22.04-arm }
          - { name: "Ubuntu 24 Arm", os: ubuntu-24.04-arm }
          # The installer supports the target platform,
          # but Github Actions doesn't provide the runner, yet.
          # It's expected in Q2 2025.
          # - { name: "Windows 2025 Arm", os: windows-2025-arm }

      - name: Install Vulkan SDK
        uses: jakoch/[email protected]
          # You can set the Vulkan SDK version to download.
          # Defaults to latest version, if version not set.
          optional_components: com.lunarg.vulkan.vma
          install_runtime: true
          cache: true
          stripdown: true

Action Reference

You can find all Inputs and Outputs and their default settings in the action.yml file.


The following inputs can be used as steps.with keys:

Name Type Description Default Required
vulkan_version String A Vulkan SDK version (eg. If vulkan_version is not set, the latest version is used. false
destination String The Vulkan SDK installation folder. Windows: C:\VulkanSDK. Linux/MacOS: %HOME false
optional_components String Comma-separated list of components to install. Default: no optional components. false
install_runtime bool Windows only. Installs the vulkan runtime ('vulkan-1.dll') into a runtime folder inside destination, if true. Windows: C:\VulkanSDK\runtime. true false
cache bool Cache the Vulkan installation folder. true false
stripdown bool Windows only. Weather to reduce the size of the SDK, before caching. false false


The following output variables are available:

Name Type Description
VULKAN_VERSION String The installed Vulkan SDK version.
VULKAN_SDK String The location of your Vulkan SDK files

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are set:

Name Type Description
VULKAN_VERSION String The installed Vulkan SDK version.
VULKAN_SDK String The location of your Vulkan SDK files
VK_LAYER_PATH String Linux only: The location of /etc/vulkan/explicit_layer.d
LD_LIBRARY_PATH String Linux only: path to vulkan library
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH String Mac only: path to vulkan library


  • Installs SDK
  • Installs Runtime using automatic download retry and version lowering


All the content in this repository is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Jens A. Koch

Development Reminder

To make a new release:

  • Step 1. Bump version number in package.json

  • Step 2. Run npm run npm_install to install the dependencies

  • Step 3. Run npm run all to generate a bundled package in dist

    • or simply open package.json and click the desired command via script section
  • Step 4. Update changelog

  • Step 5. Commit the changes, including the dist folder, then push

  • Step 6. Tag the commit with the full version number:

    git tag v1.2.3
    git push origin v1.2.3
  • Step 7. Force push the v1 tag to this commit:

    git tag -f v1
    git push origin v1 -f


A Github Action to install the current Vulkan SDK and runtime library.




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  • TypeScript 98.1%
  • Dockerfile 1.3%
  • Other 0.6%