These are my common settings. Putting them out is forcing me to clean them up as they are pieces jammed together.
I should make some sort of non-destructive installation script, but for now …
cd ~ ln -s ~/github_repo/jakewendt/my ln -s ~/my/init/vim .vim ln -s ~/my/init/vimrc .vimrc ln -s ~/my/init/bash_profile .bash_profile ln -s ~/my/init/gitconfig .gitconfig ln -s ~/my/init/inputrc .inputrc ln -s ~/my/scripts/port_update.port
Older, now essentially unused.
ln -s ~/my/init/bashrc .bashrc ln -s ~/my/init/autotest .autotest ln -s ~/my/init/subversion .subversion
Finish importing all other scripts and such
clean them up a bit
Rename scripts/ bin/ ???
Get rid of envv
add response to configure; make; make test
mv source to src?
add bin, lib, include
run ‘autoconf’ to create ‘configure’ from ‘’
run ‘configure’ to create ‘Makefile’ from ‘’
run ‘make’ to compile source code
run ‘make test’ to test
autoscan generates a poor configure.scan (rename to
autoheader generates a
automake –add-missing generates some links
autoconf generates a configure
automake generates … actually it just bitches
./configure generates Makefile ??
make generates … happiness