Medical Matching Service for the Australian Population
Demo of app can be found here:
- Install NodeJS
- Install Visual Studio 2017 with Core Packages
- Navigate to MediMatchRMIT Folder
- Open windows command line or any other terminal.
- Run following command
> npm install
> dotnet restore
> dotnet ef migrations add [migration name]
OR use Package Manager in Visual Studio
PM> Add-Migration [migration name]
- Open Project in Visual Studio
Run IIS Express Server
> dotnet run
ClientApp/ - This holds the Application Logic for our Front-End - but not our whole view.
Controllers/ - This holds the Back-End Controller/ - Logic for Our API & MVC Application.
Data/ - This holds our Entity Framework Connections & Models in a Context Class.
Migrations/ - This holds our migrations when Generated so you can create the Database.
Models/ - This holds our Objects Data Models and what Data they will store in the Database.
Views/ - This holds our MVC Views which will be used for Authentication, and as a shell around ClientApp.
wwwroot/ - This contains our third party JavaScript & CSS Libraries.
Author: | Jonathan Phillipos jaeko44 |
Project Manager: | Johanna Raymond |
Front-End Development | James Cushing |
Technical Documentation | Colin Possamai |
Xiaoli Xu | |
Mentor | Ashan Morshed |
Copyright: | Copyright (c) 2018 RMIT |
License: | Apache License, Version 2.0 |