The most beautiful, powerful and intriguing objects have one thing in common: they live in galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAM). All of them are institutions that collect and maintain cultural heritage materials in the public interest. is an open source platform powering the GLAM sector with richer digital experiences for their visitors on site and online using the NFT technology from RMRK built on zkSync Era.
RMRK - Buidlbox & zkSync Era Hack 0 Winner 🏆 explores an innovative way of sharing stories and collections of content using the multi-asset and nested NFT smart contract implementations by the RMRK Team. From now the stories can be about a single object or a wider collection, but they always have a strong visual narrative binding assets such as images, audio, and video files.
Some of the benefits of nested and multi-assets NFTs for the GLAM sector are:
- Feature content collections, previews of exhibitions, or virtual tours.
- Promote perks and authenticity.
- Create a digital gift for someone you care about.
- Ensure more emotional, personal, and playful encounter with art.
- RMRK legos smart contracts (Solidity)
- NextJS (React)
- Tailwind CSS
- Blocknative (Web3-onboard) for Metamask and Argent.
- Pinata (IPFS)
Please check the repo with all the smart contracts and interactions here
Please note that the default branch is zksync not the master one
Visitors of a GLAM institution (galleries, libraries, archives and museums) can be whitelisted to get an NFT by sharing their public wallet address while acquiring their ticket for an exhibition or by dropping their ENS in a Twitter thread at Once the GLAM staff have minted an NFT to their address and start to add assets to their tokens the visitors can start accepting assets in the collection details page of
More details and script in the smart contracts repo here
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.
The code is licensed under a MIT License. Assets from Blender Studio are licensed under CC-BY (license is also embedded in the metadata of each asset).