Install SPL Token program. If you are using one of Linux distributions you will probably should install packets: gcc, libudev-dev, libssl-dev.
python3 and pip3 installed
install python requirements:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
npm package manager if you'd like to deploy contracts using hardhat
Make sure you are on devnet solana:
solana config get
RPC URL should be https://api.devnet.solana.com
Evaluate command if not:
solana config set --url devnet
Create new solana account. You will be asked for passphrase (may skip this step by pressing Enter)
solana-keygen new -o ~/.config/solana/id.json --force
Airdrop SOLs to just created account:
solana airdrop 2
- Connect your metamask wallet to Neon Devnet using this settings:
- Network Name: Neon Devnet
- New RPC URL: https://proxy.devnet.neonlabs.org/solana
- Chain ID: 245022926
- Currency Symbol (optional): NEON
- Create new account in Metamask
- Airdrop at most 10 NEONs to just created account from here
- Copy your Metamask account private key (Account Details >> Export Private Key)
- Insert just copied private key into quotes in line 15 in file common.py
- Insert just copied private key into quotes in line 5 in file hardhat.config.py - NOTE Add 0x prefix in begining
Change current directory to neon-erc0-example
Generate keypair for new SPL token:
solana-keygen new -o test-token-mint.json --force
You will be asked for passphrase (may skip this step by pressing Enter) test-token-mint.json file now contains private key of your SPL token. Now we will extract it's public key to environment variable using solana tool:
export AWESOME_TOKEN_ADDRESS=$(solana address -k test-token-mint.json)
Create new SPL token by running command:
spl-token -u devnet create-token -- test-token-mint.json
Run deploy_wrapper.py script
export WRAPPER_ADDRESS=$(python3 deploy_wrapper.py)
Import just created token into Metamask. You can get it's address by command:
Install JS requirements:
npm i
Compile contract
npx hardhat compile
Deploy contract
export WRAPPER_ADDRESS=$(npx hardhat run --network neonlabs scripts/deploy.js)
Import just created token into Metamask. You can get it's address by command:
Create associated token account using token mint address got on previous step:
spl-token -u devnet create-account $AWESOME_TOKEN_ADDRESS
After succesfull execution of this command you will get address of your new token account and signature of the transaction
Mint some tokens to just created wallet:
spl-token -u devnet mint $AWESOME_TOKEN_ADDRESS 1000
Check balance
spl-token -u devnet balance $AWESOME_TOKEN_ADDRESS
- Run deposit_token.py with two arguments:
- address of ERC20 wrapper got on step 'Creating ERC20 wrapper'
- amount
python3 deposit_token.py $WRAPPER_ADDRESS 10000000000
- Run withdraw_token.py with two arguments:
- address of ERC20 wrapper got on step 'Creating ERC20 wrapper'
- amount
python3 withdraw_token.py $WRAPPER_ADDRESS 1000000000