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Site Notes

Install Depedencies

  • npm install for install node depedencies
  • bundle install for install bundle depedencies

Jekyll Mode

  • export JEKYLL_ENV=development for mode development
  • export JEKYLL_ENV=production for mode production

Initpost command

  • ./initpost -h output instructions
  • ./initpost -c {POST_TITLE} create post
  • ./initpost -d {POST_TITLE} create draft post
  • ./initpost -p {POST_TITLE} publish/promote a draft to a post

How to deploy site in Github Pages

  1. npm run build for Compile sass, js and build site files

  2. npm run deploy for Deploy to other branch which on github pages

  3. Commit files and push to development branch.

How to run server in local for development

run npm start or bundle exec jekyll server --host=[IP ADDR]