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snommensen edited this page Mar 21, 2011 · 1 revision

WiseUI Product Backlog

Objectives and Basic Conditions

The project aims to develop a collaborative web user interface (WiseUI) for the testbed management software testbed runtime. WiseUI shall allow multiple users to select, reserve and can be used perform experiments on testbeds via the internet. WiseUI shall provide this functionality as a web-based client.

The project is carried out within the two EU projects [ SmartSantander] and [ WISEBED] at the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (Patras) and the Institute of Telematics (Universität zu Lübeck). In SmartSantander parts of the WISEBED implementation could be re-used and possibly extended.

Functional Overview

The application shall provide functionlalities for two specific domains:

  • Managing experiments on wireless sensor nodes that are organized in testbeds
  • Managing the testbed infrastructure


In order to provide this functionality, the following functional components shall be provided:

  • Experiment setup
  • Experiment control
  • Experiment browsing
  • Testbed Management
  • User Management
  • Experiment Scheduler/Management

Functional Components

Experiment Setup

This functional component is responsible for feeding in the system new experiments by a user.

  • Testbed selection: In this dialog the user selects a testbed T (Ticket #128)
  • Node selection: In this dialog the user selects some nodes of testbed T and output this set S (Ticket #115)
  • Node/time reservation: In this dialog the user selects a time interval I that nodes of S are available (Ticket #118)
  • Binary selection: In this dialog the user selects a binary (or binaries) either by "uploading element" or from already stored binaries and correspond each of them to each node of S (Ticket #117)
  • Smart Node selection: In this dialog the user selects only type of nodes and S is formed automatically (Ticket #116)
  • Smart Time selection: In this dialog the user selects the size of a time interval an a proper time interval I is returned(Ticket #129)
  • Virtual Links Edit: ...

Experiment Control

This functional component is responsible for providing to the user to control an experiment while it is active. Maybe we assume that the user has browsed an active experiment by Experiment Browsing ->List Experiments.

  • Node management: In this dialog the user can manage the nodes used by restarting/stopping/making it sending a custom msg to the testbed. (Ticket #120)
  • Experiment management: In this dialog the user can manage the active experiment by pausing/stopping/restarting it. (Ticket #121). Restarting an experiments means that continues to run in the given time interval.
  • Monitor nodes: In this dialog the user can see "live" msgs arrived by each node (Ticket #119)

Experiment Browsing

This functional component is responsible for providing to the user to access to its experiments and "render" each experiment.

  • List experiments: In this dialog the user can see all of his experiments.If one of the experiments is active it is marked properly. A selection to an active experiment leads to "Experiment Control" (Ticket #112)
  • Experiment visualization: In this dialog the user can see all information about an experiment "properly rendered" (by maps, by graph elements, replayed or not etc). Also can download the WiseML file (Ticket #113)
  • Experiment statistics: In this dialog the user can see a list of statistics concerning the selected experiment (Ticket #114)

Testbed Management

This functional component is responsible for managing by the Administrator a testbed/testbeds.

  • Testbed add/remove: In this dialog the admin adds/removes a testbed (Ticket needed?)
  • Testbed selection: In this dialog the admin selects a testbed T (Ticket #128)
  • Add/remove nodes/gateways: In this dialog the admin can add/remove nodes/gateways from the selected testbed (Ticket #122)
  • Testbed monitoring: In this dialog the admin can monitor the selected testbed (Ticket #123)
  • Experiment control: In this dialog the admin can see the active/arranged experiments and modify them by pausing/stopping/rearranging them (Ticket #124)
  • Testbed configuration repository: In this dialog the admin can browse/edit the configuration files of each testbed (needs more dialogs, txt, ticket ....)(Ticket #126)

User Management

This functional component is responsible for managing by the Administrator the users than can access the portal and a testbed.

  • Add/remove users: In this dialog the admin can monitor the users and add/remove them from portal (Ticket #125)
  • Manage user permissions": In this dialog the admin can monitor a user and give special permissions to him(which testbed can access etc) (Ticket needed?)
  • User repository: This task is about storing/retrieving experiments for a user in portal database (Ticket #126)

Experiment Scheduler/Management

This functional component is responsible for accessing the arranged experiments and push them in the proper time to the proper testbed. Also it is responsible for management of an arranged/active experiment (rearrange automatically, start/ pause etc) (This needs some thought more ....)

  • Initialize Experiment
  • Manage Experiment