npm install --save flex-banner
yarn add flex-banner
import * as React from "react";
import FlexBanner from "flex-banner";
class Example extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
title="Fully responsive react banner for websites"
ctaTitle="Learn More"
This example includes optional property in the component:
ctaTitle - Title of Call To Action (CTA).
isCenter - To make banner title and link center aligned.
crossIconSize - To define, font size of cross Icons.
animationTime - To define, sliding { SlideDown and SlideUp } time of banner.
delayToShowBanner - Delay in showing up banner.
daysToLive - No of days cookie will live before banner is shown up.
wrapperStyle - style object for styling of the wrapper
mainStyleTitle - style object for styling of the title of banner. If ctaTitle
property is not defined, then this will defined the styling of link.
mainStyleLink - style object for styling of the CTA of banner.
crossStyle - style object for styling of the crossIcon. The font size of cross icon can only be defined by crossIconSize
hidePermanentlyOnDate - To hide banner permanently on a specific date / datetime
Property | Type | Required | Default value | Description |
title | string | yes | the title of the banner | |
ctaLink | string | yes | url for the call to action | |
ctaTitle | string | no | The title for call to action. It is not required if you want to use title as title of call to action |
isCenter | boolean | no | true | Make center aligned the banner with value true otherwise left aligned using value false |
crossIconSize | number | no | 22 | size of crossIcon in px. Set its value to 0 if you don't want to add crossIcon. |
animationTime | number | no | 1 | animationTime is in seconds . It's sliding time for banner. For no animation, set value to 0 . |
delayToShowBanner | number | no | 2 | delayToShowBanner is in seconds . It's the time a user has to keep the page open before the banner is shown. For no delay, set value to 0 |
daysToLive | number | no | 0 | A property specifying the number of days the cookie will live before the banner is shown again to a user. The default is 0 , it means that banner will show up every time user refresh the page or hit the page url. |
wrapperStyle | object | no | style object for styling of the wrapper | |
mainStyleTitle | object | no | style object for styling of title | |
mainStyleLink | object | no | style object for styling of Call To Action link | |
crossStyle | object | no | style object for styling cross Icon - such as color etc. Note - font size property will be set only by crossIconSize property. |
| hidePermanentlyOnDate | Date | no | | To hide banner permanently on a specific date / datetime property. |
import * as React from "react";
import FlexBanner from "flex-banner";
class Example extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
title="Fully responsive react banner for websites"
ctaTitle="Learn More"
wrapperStyle={{ backgroundColor: "lightblue" }}
mainStyleTitle={{ color: "black" }}
mainStyleLink={{ color: "red" }}
crossStyle={{ color: "red" }}
import * as React from "react";
import FlexBanner from "flex-banner";
class Example extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
title="Fully responsive react banner for websites"
wrapperStyle={{ backgroundColor: "lightblue" }}
mainStyleTitle={{ color: "green" }}
mainStyleLink={{ color: "blue" }} // this will not work
crossStyle={{ color: "red" }}
The banner will be shown top regardless of screen.
MIT © isamrish