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Similar to, but this script
works with a user dictionary.
  • Loading branch information
ISC-SDE committed Mar 9, 2022
1 parent 5c7278a commit 8811a2a
Showing 1 changed file with 307 additions and 0 deletions.
307 changes: 307 additions & 0 deletions language_development/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mar 09 2022
This tool translates the output of the iKnow engine into XML files.
For the visualisation of the XML, make sure the style sheet iKnowXML.xsl is in the same directory as this script.
Usage: "python <text files directory> <output directory> <language> <user dictionary"
Example (on Windows): "python C:/TextCorpus/English/Financial/ C:/iKnow_output/English/ en C:/repos/iknow/reference_materials/udct_test_dictionaries/en_udct.txt"
For each txt file in the input directory, a corresponding xml file will be generated in the output directory.

# import the usual suspects...
import os, sys, ntpath
import html

# do "pip install iknowpy" if iknowpy is not installed
import iknowpy

# Following are default runtime parameters if no command line parameters are present.
in_path_par = "C:/P4/Users/jdenys/text_input_data/en/" # input directory with text files
out_path_par = "C:/tmp/" # output directory to write the RAW file
language_par = "en" # language selector
user_dct_par = "../reference_materials/udct_test_dictionaries/en_udct.txt"

# Command line parameters
if (len(sys.argv)>1):
in_path_par = sys.argv[1]
if (len(sys.argv)>2):
out_path_par = sys.argv[2]
if (len(sys.argv)>3):
language_par = sys.argv[3]
if (len(sys.argv)>4):
user_dct_par = sys.argv[4]

# Required style sheet to visualise the XML
style_sheet_par = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'iKnowXML.xsl')

# function to write to output file
def write_ln(file_,text_):

def read_udct_file(file_,udct_):
f_udct = open(file_,"r",True,"utf8")
for txt_line in f_udct:
# print('txt_line: ' + txt_line)
txt_line = txt_line.rstrip()

if ',' in txt_line and txt_line[0:2] != '/*':
txt_list = txt_line.split(',')
lexrep, action = txt_list[0], txt_list[1]
if (lexrep[0] == '@'):
literal = lexrep[1:]
if action == "UDCertainty":
level = txt_list[2]
ret = udct_.add_label(literal,action)
if (ret == -2):
print('label ' + action + ' not valid !')
else: # Set end = $SELECT(command = "\end":1,command = "\noend":0,1:..Err())
if action == "\\end":
udct_.add_sent_end_condition(lexrep, True)
elif action == "\\noend":
udct_.add_sent_end_condition(lexrep, False)
print('action ' + action + ' not valid !')


# collect text documents in 'in_path_par'
from os import walk

f = [] # non-recursive list of files, .txt only
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(in_path_par):
for single_file in filenames:
if (single_file.endswith('.txt')):
full_path = dirpath + single_file

# define variables
engine = iknowpy.iKnowEngine()
sentence_order = 0
split_sentence = []
lexrep_info = []

# load user dictionary
user_dictionary = iknowpy.UserDictionary()
read_udct_file(user_dct_par, user_dictionary)
ret = engine.load_user_dictionary(user_dictionary)

# process files one by one
for text_file in f:
print('processing ' + text_file)
f_text = open(text_file, "rb")
header =
if (header == b'\xef\xbb\xbf'): #Utf8 BOM
header = b'' # remove BOM
text = header + # read text, must be utf8 encoded
text = text.decode('utf8') # decode text to Unicode

# create output file, write header
filename_xml = ntpath.basename(text_file) + '.xml' # use ntpath to ensure compatibility with Windows and Linux

# print(filename_xml)
f_xml = open(os.path.join(out_path_par, filename_xml), 'wb')

f_xml.write(b'\xef\xbb\xbf') # Utf8 BOM
write_ln(f_xml,'<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>')
write_ln(f_xml,'<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"' + style_sheet_par + '\"?>')

# process text with iKnow
engine.index(text, language_par)

# translate engine output into xml
for sent in engine.m_index['sentences']:

# write xml tag <Sentence> with xml attribute 'order'
sentence_order +=1
write_ln(f_xml, ' <Sentence ' + 'order=\"' + str(sentence_order) +'\">')
ent_stop = ''

# link entities with attributes, generate xml
for entity in sent['entities']:
has_attr = False
ent_type = entity['type']
lit_text = html.escape(text[entity['offset_start']:entity['offset_stop']])
index_text = html.escape(entity['index'])

# check for attribute markers in order to mark them as such
for attr_marker in sent['sent_attributes']:
attr_type = str(attr_marker['type']).lower()

# first ignore Japanese entity vectors in this stage: they must not be marked in the sentence
if attr_type == 'entityvector':

# then process 'real' attributes
elif entity['offset_start'] <= attr_marker['offset_start'] and attr_marker['offset_stop'] <= entity['offset_stop']:
attr_type =str(attr_marker['type']).lower()
attr_type = attr_type.replace('datetime','time')
attr_type = attr_type.replace('positivesentiment','sentpositive')
attr_type = attr_type.replace('negativesentiment','sentnegative')
if attr_type == 'certainty':
attr_prop = ' level=\"' + attr_marker['parameters'][0][0] + '\"' # level is the first parameter of the first pair, hence [0][0]
attr_prop = ''

if has_attr == False: # first attribute of the entity
# distinguish markers from the rest of the entity
attr_marker_start = attr_marker['offset_start']
attr_marker_stop = attr_marker['offset_stop']
lit_text = ''
if entity['offset_start'] < attr_marker_start: # part of entity preceding the marker
lit_text = '<reg>' + html.escape(text[entity['offset_start']:attr_marker['offset_start']]) + '</reg> '
lit_text = lit_text + '<' + attr_type + attr_prop + '>' + html.escape(text[attr_marker['offset_start']:attr_marker['offset_stop']]).lstrip() + '</' + attr_type + '>' # the marker itself
if entity['offset_stop'] > attr_marker_stop: # part of the entity following the marker
lit_text = lit_text + ' <reg>' + html.escape(text[attr_marker['offset_stop']:entity['offset_stop']]).lstrip() + '</reg>'
has_attr = True
else: # 2nd, 3rd,... attribute of the entity
attr_marker_start = attr_marker['offset_start']
attr_marker_stop = attr_marker['offset_stop']
lit_text = lit_text + '</Literal>\n <Literal>'
if entity['offset_start'] < attr_marker_start:
lit_text = lit_text + '<reg> // ' + html.escape(text[entity['offset_start']:attr_marker['offset_start']]) + '</reg> '
if entity['offset_start'] == attr_marker_start:
lit_text = lit_text + '<reg> // </reg>' + '<' + attr_type + attr_prop + '>' + html.escape(text[attr_marker['offset_start']:attr_marker['offset_stop']]).lstrip() + '</' + attr_type + '>'
lit_text = lit_text + '<' + attr_type + attr_prop + '>' + html.escape(text[attr_marker['offset_start']:attr_marker['offset_stop']]).lstrip() + '</' + attr_type + '>'
if entity['offset_stop'] > attr_marker_stop:
lit_text = lit_text + ' <reg>' + html.escape(text[attr_marker['offset_stop']:entity['offset_stop']]).lstrip() + '</reg>'

# write to output file
write_ln(f_xml, ' <' + ent_type + '>')
write_ln(f_xml, ' <Index>' + index_text + '</Index>')
if has_attr == True and '//' in lit_text:
write_ln(f_xml, ' <Literal><reg>{</reg>' + lit_text + '<reg>}</reg></Literal>')
elif has_attr == True:
write_ln(f_xml, ' <Literal>' + lit_text + '</Literal>')
write_ln(f_xml, ' <Literal>')
write_ln(f_xml, ' <reg>' + lit_text + '</reg>')
write_ln(f_xml, ' </Literal>')
write_ln(f_xml, ' </' + ent_type + '>')

# write entity vector (Japanese only)
if language_par == 'ja' and len(sent['sent_attributes']) > 0:
ev = sent['sent_attributes'][-1] # EntityVector is the last attribute in sent_attributes
if str(ev['type'] == 'EntityVector'):
ev_text = ''
write_ln(f_xml, ' <entity_vector>')
for sent_index in attr_marker['entity_vector']:
ev_text = ev_text + ' <ent>' + html.escape(sent['entities'][sent_index]['index']) + '</ent>\n'
write_ln(f_xml, ev_text + ' </entity_vector>')

# write path
if len(sent['path']):
path_text = ''
write_ln(f_xml, ' <path>')
for sent_index in sent['path']:
path_text = path_text + ' ' + sent['entities'][sent_index]['index']
path_text = html.escape(path_text)
write_ln(f_xml, ' <value>' + path_text.lstrip() + '</value>')

# calculate and write attribute spans
# NOTE: the number of the entity in 'path_attributes'-'pos' does not necessarily correspond to the number of that entity in 'path'!
# In 'path_attributes', NonRelevant elements are not counted. In 'path', they are.
if len(sent['path_attributes']):
for path_attribute in sent['path_attributes']:

# retrieve attribute name and rewrite to what the style sheet expects, if needed
attr_path = ''
attr_name = path_attribute['type'].lower()
attr_name = attr_name.replace('positivesentiment','sentiment_positive')
attr_name = attr_name.replace('negativesentiment','sentiment_negative')
attr_name = attr_name.replace('datetime','time')
write_ln(f_xml, ' <' + attr_name + '>')

# calculate position of span
# initial values
attr_path_start = int(path_attribute['pos'])
attr_path_stop = attr_path_start + int(path_attribute['span'])

attr_path_span =''
i = 0
pre_attr_span = ''
post_attr_span = ''

# part of the path preceding the span:
while i < attr_path_start:
if i in sent['path']: # check if the entity is 'relevant' (NonRelevant elements are not mentioned in 'path')
pre_attr_span = pre_attr_span + ' ' + sent['entities'][i]['index']
#print(str(i) + ' - pre_span: ' + pre_attr_span)
attr_path_start +=1 # NonRelevant elements are not counted in 'path_attributes'-'pos', so the number has to be adjusted.
attr_path_stop +=1
i +=1
# span:
while i < attr_path_stop:
if i in sent['path']:
#print(str(i) + ' include in span: ' + sent['entities'][i]['index'])
attr_path_span = attr_path_span + ' ' + sent['entities'][i]['index']
i +=1
#print(str(i) + ' nonrelevant in span: ' + sent['entities'][i]['index'])
if attr_path_stop < len(sent['entities']):
attr_path_stop +=1
i +=1
# part of the path following the span:
while i < len(sent['entities']):
if i in sent['path']:
post_attr_span = post_attr_span + ' ' + sent['entities'][i]['index']
i +=1

# write path with span:
if pre_attr_span != '':
pre_attr_span = html.escape(pre_attr_span)
write_ln(f_xml, ' <no>' + pre_attr_span.lstrip() + '</no>')
attr_path_span = html.escape(attr_path_span)
write_ln(f_xml, ' <expanded>' + attr_path_span.lstrip() + '</expanded>')
if post_attr_span != '':
post_attr_span = html.escape(post_attr_span)
write_ln(f_xml, ' <no>' + post_attr_span.lstrip() + '</no>')
write_ln(f_xml, ' </' + attr_name + '>')

write_ln(f_xml, ' </path>')

write_ln(f_xml, ' </Sentence>')



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