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Source Code of YouTube Shorts

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Web Shorts HTML, CSS or JavaScript

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CSS Loader

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Crousel, Image Slider

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Horizontal Scroll with Mouse Wheel

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Password Show Hide in CSS

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Switch Color theme Light Mode and Dark Mode

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Sound Wave Effect

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Matrix Effect

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Analog Clock

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Code Editor

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SVG Loader

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Draggable List

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Bounce Loader

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    * {
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;
      box-sizing: border-box;

    body {
      width: 100vw;
      height: 100vh;

    body {
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;

    .bounce-loader {
      display: flex;
      width: 24px;
      height: 40px;
      justify-content: space-between;

    .bounce-loader span {
      border-radius: 10px;
      width: 6px;
      height: 100%;
      background-color: #a6a6a6;
      animation: loading 0.6s var(--i) ease-in-out infinite;

    @keyframes loading {
      0%, 100% {
        transform: scaleY(0.2);
        opacity: 0.8;

      50% {
        transform: scaleY(1);
        opacity: 1;

  <div class="bounce-loader">
    <span style="--i: 0s"></span>
    <span style="--i: 0.15s"></span>
    <span style="--i: 0.3s"></span>

Javascript YT Shorts Source Code

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 * Speed up your code with memoization!
 * ๐Ÿš€ Caching results for faster performance!
 * @param {function} fn
 * @param {function} func
 * @returns A callback Function
function memoize(fn, func) {
  let result, key, cache = new Map();

  return function() {
    key = JSON.stringify(arguments);

    // If key in cache, then return the cached result
    return cache.has(key) ? (
      result = cache.get(key),

    // Otherwise
    ) : (
      result = fn(...arguments),
      cache.set(key, result),

// Example usage:

// For example, This is your big Handler
let bigHandler = (end) => {
  for(let i = 0; i < end; i++) {}
  console.log("\nFrom Handler: " + end);
  return end;

let memoizedAdd = memoize(bigHandler,
  // Optional argument
  // This func will be invoked when data is loaded from the cache
  function(res) {
    console.log("\nFrom Cache: " + res);

// Testing with Outputs:





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 * Function to perform deep cloning of an object or array
 * @param {object|array} obj
 * @returns The cloned array or object
function cloneDeep(obj) {
  if (obj === null || typeof obj !== 'object') {
    return obj;

  let clone = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : {},

  for(key in obj) {
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      clone[key] = cloneDeep(obj[key]);

  return clone;

// Example usage:
const orig = {
  name: 'modassir',
  details: {age: 22, addr: 'RFJ'},
  hobbies: ['coding', 'reading']

const copied = cloneDeep(orig);
copied.details.age = 23;
copied.hobbies[1] = 'travelling';

// Outputs:
console.log('Original:', orig);
console.log('Copied:', copied);


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 * debounce function to limit the rate at which a function is invoked
 * @param {function} fn
 * @param {number} delay
function debounce(fn, delay) {
  let id;
  return function() {
    // Clear previous timeout,
    // to reset the delay

    // Set a new timeout
    id = setTimeout(fn, delay || 1000, ...arguments);

// Example usage:

const searchHandler = (search) => {
  console.log('Fetching database with query:' + search);

// swd -> search with debounce
let swd = debounce(searchHandler);

// Call without debounce


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 * Serialize an array of form elements or a set of
 * key/values into a query string
function serialize(data, trad) {
  let prefix, s = [],
    add = function(key, val) {
      s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' +
        encodeURIComponent(val == null ? '' : val);

  if (data == null) return '';

  // [['key','value']] or [{name: '', value: ''}]
  if (Array.isArray(data)) {
    for(prefix of data) {
        prefix[0] ||,
        prefix[1] || prefix.value
  } else {
    // Encode params recursively.
    // {name: {...}, key: [...]} or {key: value}
    for(prefix in data) {
      makeParams(prefix, data[prefix], trad, add);

  return s.join('&');

function makeParams(prefix, mixed, trad, add) {
  let name, rbracket = /\[\]$/;

  if (Array.isArray(mixed)) {
    // Serialize array item.
    mixed.forEach(function(v, i) {
      trad || rbracket.test(prefix) ? add(prefix, v) :
          prefix + '[' + (typeof v == 'object' && v != null ? i : '') + ']',
  } else if (!trad && typeof mixed === 'object') {
    // Serialize object item.
    for(name in mixed) {
      makeParams(prefix + '[' + name + ']', mixed[name], trad, add);
  } else {
    // Serialize scalar item.
    add(prefix, mixed);

// Example usage:
let data = {id: 3, email: '[email protected]', pass: 12354};
let arr = [['name', 'modassir'], {name: 'age', value: 22}];
let obj = {id: 1, param: {one:1, two: 2}, index: [1,2,3,4,5]};

// Outputs:
serialize(data);      // Outputs: id=3&
serialize(arr);       // Outputs: name=modassir&age=22
serialize(obj);       // Outputs: id=1&param%5Bone%5D=1&param%5Btwo%5D=2&index%5B%5D=1&index%5B%5D=2&index%5B%5D=3&index%5B%5D=4&index%5B%5D=5
serialize(obj, true); // Outputs: id=1&param=%5Bobject%20Object%5D&index=1&index=2&index=3&index=4&index=5


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 * Function to remove duplicate elements from an array.
 * @param {array} arr 
 * @param {boolean} isRef 
 * @returns Unique Array
function ArrayUnique(arr, isRef) {
  // Create a new array of unique elements
  let unique = [ Set(arr)];

  // If isRef, Modify the original array by reference
  if (isRef) {
    // First we will empty the original array
    arr.length = 0;

    // Now we will push the unique array into the original array
    [].push.apply(arr, unique);

  return unique;

// Example usage with outputs
let arr = [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4];
ArrayUnique(arr);       // Outputs: [1,2,3] Return a new array without modified in original array
ArrayUnique(arr, true); // Outputs: [1,2,3] Return a new array with modified original array by reference

upm (User Password Manager) Library

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Create a storage.json file on current working directory


Then create upm.js Javascript Library File on current working directory

const upm = {}; // user password manager
const path = 'storage.json';
const fs = require('fs');

 * Gets password, If user exists in storage
 * @param {string} username 
 * @returns 
upm.get = function(username) {
  return (this.getAll()[username] || {}).password;

 * Returns all saved storage data
 * @returns All storage data
upm.getAll = function() {
  return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path, {encoding: 'utf8'}));

 * Save new password, If user does not exists
 * @param {string} username 
 * @param {string} password 
 * @returns true or undefined
 */ = function(username, password) {
  let date = (new Date).toLocaleString(),
    storage = this.getAll();

  if (!this.get(username)) {
    if (password) storage[username] = {password, date};
    fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(storage, null, 2));
    return true;

// Example usage:

// Save Password in Storage'GmailPass', '123@gmail');'FBPass', '123@facebook');'InstaPass', '123@insta');

// View all saved data

// Get Passwword of Specific User

encrypt and decrypt

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const crypto = require('crypto');

 * Encrypts the given data using AES-256-GCM encryption algorithm
 * @param {string} data
 * @param {key} key
 * @returns {string} Encrypted plainText
function encrypt(data, key) {
  let encrypted, cipher, tag,
    iv = crypto.randomBytes(16);

  key = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(key).digest();
  cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('AES-256-GCM', key, iv);

  encrypted = cipher.update(data, 'utf-8', 'base64');
  encrypted +='base64');

  return btoa(JSON.stringify({
    data: encrypted,
    iv: iv.toString('base64'),
    tag: cipher.getAuthTag().toString('base64')

 * Decrypts the encrypted data using AES-256-GCM algorithm
 * @param {string} encdata
 * @param {string} key
 * @returns {string} Decrypted plainText
function decrypt(encdata, key) {
  let decrypted, decipher,
    {data, iv, tag} = JSON.parse(atob(encdata));

  key = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(key).digest();

  decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('AES-256-GCM', key, Buffer.from(iv, 'base64'));
  decipher.setAuthTag(Buffer.from(tag, 'base64'));

  decrypted = decipher.update(data, 'base64', 'utf-8');
  decrypted +='utf-8');

  return decrypted;

// Example usage:
let key = 'example-key'; // private key

let encMsg = encrypt('Your secret message?', key); // Outputs: eyJkYXRhIjoidzkzVGVPRDJwYzREUWVYUjRXeVJQU1FxWGZrPSIsIml2IjoiWlNpSVNmanNPcFBic0dvTGJUOUJDZz09IiwidGFnIjoiSkVFUDBBeGdkRUlnRVNyekNTZUJidz09In0=
decrypt(encMsg);                                   // Outputs: Your secret message?

hasPassword and verifyPassword

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const crypto = require('crypto');

 * Create a password hash with salt hashing SHA-256 algorithm
 * @param {string} password 
 * @param {string} salt [optional]
 * @returns {string} Hashed Password
function hashPassword(password, salt) {
  // Generate Salt
  salt = salt || crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
  let hash = salt + crypto.createHmac('sha256', salt).update(password).digest('hex');
  return hash;

 * Checks if the given hash matches the given options
 * @param {string} password 
 * @param {string} hash 
 * @returns {boolean} Verified for true Otherwise false
function verifyPassword(password, hash) {
  // Extract salt from given hash
  let salt = hash.slice(0, 32);
  return hashPassword(password, salt) === hash;

// Example usage:
let hash = hashPassword('123@pass'); // Outputs: Random => 8d0f5aa4fdfec0895a9e796420ffb9eeb223c9f04777e96d8038591378a535f662edfd6f9e3a49c64ca423bc38106125
verifyPassword('123@pass', hash);    // Outputs: true
verifyPassword('123@Pass', hash);    // Outputs: false
verifyPassword('pass@123', hash);    // Outputs: false


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 * Converts a string with a specified separator into tOGGLE cASE format.
 * @param {string} str
 * @param {string} sep
 * @returns {string} tOGGLE cASE format
function toggleCase(str, sep = " ") {
  let regex = new RegExp("([^" + sep + "]+)", "g");

  // Converting str to tOGGLE cASE
  return str.replace(regex, (_, w) => w[0].toLowerCase() + w.slice(1).toUpperCase());

// Example usage:
let str = 'Hello World hello:world hello_world';

toggleCase(str);        // Outputs: hELLO wORLD hELLO:WORLD hELLO_WORLD
toggleCase(str, ': _'); // Outputs: hELLO wORLD hELLO:wORLD hELLO_wORLD
toggleCase(str, ': _'); // Outputs: tOGGLE cASE
toggleCase(str, ':_');  // Outputs: hELLO WORLD HELLO:wORLD HELLO_wORLD


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 * Generates a Random strong password (e.g., CRsAB0f%XUGY)
 * @param {number} Password length
 * @returns The Random Password
function generatePassword(len) {
  let chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
    num = 1234567890,
    password = '',
    i = 0;

    // Concating num, Upper alpha and special chars
    chars += num + chars.toUpperCase() + '!@#$%^&*()';
    len = +len || 8;

  // Generating random password
  for(; i < len; i++) {
    password += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];

  return password;

// Example usage:
generatePassword();   // Outputs: CRsAB0f%XUGY
generatePassword(12); // Outputs: ayrYcu%Pu$Ka

findLongest and findShortest

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 * Find the longest string value in an Array
 * @param {}
 * @returns The longest string
function findLongest(arr) {
  return arr.reduce((max, val) => (
    max.length < val.length && (max = val),
  ), arr[0] + '');

 * Find the shortest string value in an Array
 * @param {}
 * @returns The shortest string
function findShortest(arr) {
  return arr.reduce((min, val) => (
    min.length > val.length && (min = val),
  ), arr[0] + '');

// Example usage:
let arr = ['Hello', 'How are you?', 'Welcome to you', 'Thanks'];

findLongest(arr);  // Outputs: Welcome to you
findShortest(arr); // Outputs: Hello


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 * shuffles a string. One permutation of all possible is created.
 * @param {string} str The input string.
 * @returns {string} Randomly shuffles a string
function strShuffle(str) {
  let arr = str.split(''),
    i = arr.length - 1,

  // Shuffle Algorithm
  for(; i > 0; i--) {
    rIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));

    // Swap the current element with the random element
    [arr[i], arr[rIndex]] = [arr[rIndex], arr[i]];

  return arr.join('');

// Example usage:
strShuffle('Hello'); // Outputs: olelH

jsonEncode and jsonDecode

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 * Converts a JavaScript value to a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string.
 * @param {any} value           [required]
 * @param {any} replacer        [optional]
 * @param {string|number} space [optional]
 * @returns {string} The JSON string representation of the object.
function jsonEncode(value, replacer, space) {
  try {
    return JSON.stringify(value, replacer, space);
  } catch(e) {
    throw new Error('Error encoding object: ' + e);

 * Converts a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string into an object.
 * @param {string} json [required]
 * @param {any} reviver [optional]
 * @returns {object} The decoded Javascript object
function jsonDecode(json, reviver) {
  try {
    return JSON.parse(json, reviver);
  } catch(e) {
    throw new Error('Error decoding JSON: ' + e);

// Example usage with output:

let obj = {name: 'Modassir', age: 23, Indian: true};

// Encoding the object to a JSON string
let json = jsonEncode(obj);  // Outputs: '{"name":"Modassir","age":23,"Indian":true}'

// Decoding the JSON string back to a JavaScript object
jsonDecode(json); // Outputs: {name: 'Modassir', age: 23, Indian: true}


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 * Return information about words used in a string
 * @param {string} str The string
 * @param {number} format Specify the return value of this function. The current supported values
 * @param {string} chars A list of additional characters which will be considered as 'word'
 * @returns Information about words
function wordCount(str, format = 0, chars) {
  let regstr = new RegExp("([a-z-0-9" + (chars || "") + "]+)", "gi"),
    ret = [0, [], {}][format],

  while((result = regstr.exec(str))) {
    if (format === 0) ret++;
    else if (format === 1) ret.push(result[0]);
    else ret[result.index] = result[0];

  return ret;

// Example usage:
let str = 'one:two three-four five_six seven$eight nine%ten';

wordCount(str);           // Outputs: 9
wordCount(str, 0, '$:%'); // Outputs: 6
wordCount(str, 1);        // Outputs: ['one', 'two', 'three-four', 'five', 'six', 'seven','eight', 'nine', 'ten']
wordCount(str, 1, '$:%'); // Outputs: [ 'one:two', 'three-four', 'five', 'six', 'seven$eight', 'nine%ten' ]
wordCount(str, 2);        // Outputs: {'0': 'one','4': 'two','8': 'three-four','19': 'five','24': 'six','28': 'seven','34': 'eight','40': 'nine','45': 'ten'}
wordCount(str, 2, '$:%'); // Outputs: {'0': 'one:two','8': 'three-four','19': 'five','24': 'six','28': 'seven$eight','40': 'nine%ten'}


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* Text to Speech using SpeechSynthesisUtterance and SpeechSynthesis API
* @param {string} text target text for speech
function text2speech(text) {
 let speech = new window.SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text),
   synthesis = window.speechSynthesis;

 // Optional: Set language of speech
 speech.lang = 'en-US';

 // Optional: Set pitch and rate of speech
 speech.pitch = 1;
 speech.rate = 1;
 // Start speech

// Example usage:
speech2text('Hello viewers, how are you?');


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 * cmdout To highlight text or background color in cmd/terminal
 * @param {string} text Target text to highlight
 * @param {boolean} setBg true for background otherwise text highlight
 * @param {boolean} bold true for bold otherwise normal
 * @param {array} color Don't use, Internal use only [private]
 * @returns The highlightable text format
function cmdout(text, setBg, bold, color) {
  let ansi = `\x1b[${setBg ? 48 : 38};2;${color.join(';')}m`;

  if (bold) ansi = `\x1b[1m${ansi}`;
  if (setBg) text = `\x20${text}\x20`;

  return `${ansi}${text}\x1b[0m`;

Object.assign(cmdout, {
  blue: function(text, setBg, bold) {
    return cmdout(text, setBg, bold, [8, 48, 218]);
  green: function(text, setBg, bold) {
    return cmdout(text, setBg, bold, [19, 161, 14]);
  aqua: function(text, setBg, bold) {
    return cmdout(text, setBg, bold, [58, 150, 221]);
  red: function(text, setBg, bold) {
    return cmdout(text, setBg, bold, [197, 15, 31]);
  purple: function(text, setBg, bold) {
    return cmdout(text, setBg, bold, [136, 23, 152]);
  yellow: function(text, setBg, bold) {
    return cmdout(text, setBg, bold, [193, 156, 0]);
  white: function(text, setBg, bold) {
    return cmdout(text, setBg, bold, [204, 204, 204]);
  gray: function(text, setBg, bold) {
    return cmdout(text, setBg, bold, [118, 118, 118]);

// Example usage:
cmdout.yellow('Like', true, true) +'Subscribe', true, true); // Outputs:'Hello World!', false, true);                                  // Outputs:'Hello World!', true, true);                                   // Outputs:
cmdout.yellow('Hello World!', false, true);                               // Outputs:
cmdout.yellow('Hello World!', true, true);                                // Outputs:'Hello World!', false, true);                                 // Outputs:'Thanks', true, true) + cmdout.yellow('Watching', true, true); // Outputs:


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 * getType function determines the precise type of the input value.
 * @param {any} data [required]
 * @returns {string} precise type of value as a lowercase string.
function getType(data) {
  let type, class2type = {};

  if (data == null) {
    return data + '';

  // Populate class2type map
  for(type of ("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error Symbol").split(" ")) {
    class2type['[object ' + type + ']'] = type.toLowerCase();
  return typeof data === "function" || typeof data === "object" ?
    class2type[] || "object" :
      typeof data;

// Example usage:
getType(new Error('Something wrong!')); // Outputs: error
getType('Hello World!');                // Outputs: string
getType(function() {});                 // Outputs: function
getType(/[A-Z0-9]/);                    // Outputs: regexp
getType(Symbol('Hello World!'));        // Outputs: symbol

base64Encode and base64Decode

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 * Encode a string to Base64
function base64Encode(string) {
  return btoa(string);

 * Decode a Base64-encoded string
function base64Decode(string) {
  return atob(string);

// Example usage:
base64Encode('Hello, World!');       // Outputs: SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==
base64Decode('SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==') // Outputs: Hello, World!;


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 * Converts a string with a specified separator into dashCase format.
 * @param {string} str input string
 * @param {string} sep The character
 * @returns dashCase format.
 function dashCase(str, sep) {
  let rAlpha = new RegExp('[' + (sep || '_ ') + ']+([A-Za-z])|([A-Z])', 'g');

  return str.replace(rAlpha, '-$1$2').toLowerCase().replace(/^-/, '');

// Example usage:
dashCase('textTransform'); // Outputs: text-transform
dashCase('Hello World');   // Outputs: hello-world
dashCase('hello_world');   // Outputs: hello-world
dashCase('dd:mm:yy', ':'); // Outputs: dd-mm-yy


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 * Converts a string with a specified separator into camelCase format.
 * @param {string} str input string
 * @param {string} sep The character
 * @returns camelCase format.
function camelCase(str, sep) {
  let rdashAlpha = new RegExp('[' + (sep || '-') + ']([a-z])', 'g');

  return str.toLowerCase().replace(rdashAlpha, function(_, char) {
    return char.toUpperCase();

// Example usage:
camelCase('font-size: 11px;'); // Outputs: fontSize: 11px;
camelCase('hello woRld', ' '); // Outputs: helloWorld
camelCase('hello_world', '_'); // Outputs: helloWorld


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 * ArrayDiff Computes the difference of array
 * @params {array} arr
 * @params {array} target
 * @returns The Computed array
function ArrayDiff(arr, target) {
  let i = 0, output = [];

  for(; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (, arr[i]) < 0) {
  return output;

// Example usage:
const arr1 = [100,200,300,400,500];
const arr2 = ['.','..','src/example.txt','.env'];

ArrayDiff(arr1, [100,300,500]); // Outputs: [200, 400]
ArrayDiff(arr2, ['.', '..']);   // Outputs: ['src/example.txt', '.env']


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Step1: Create a environment file .env in current directory.


Step2: Create a main Dotenv loader file Dotenv.js

 * Dotenv To loads environment variables
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');

const ENV = /^[\x20]*(\w+)[\x20]*=[\x20]*(?:(["'`])((?:[^\r\n]|[\r\n])*?)(\2)|([^#\r\n]*))(?!^#)/gm;

function Dotenv(dir, name) {
  if (!(this instanceof Dotenv)) {
    return new Dotenv(dir, name);

  let matched, filePath = path.resolve(dir, name),
    content = fs.readFileSync(filePath, {encoding: 'utf-8'});

  this.entries = {};

  while((matched = ENV.exec(content))) {
    this.entries[matched[2]] = matched[5] || matched[3] || '';

  return this;

Dotenv.prototype.load = function() {
  Object.assign(process.env, this.entries);

module.exports = Dotenv;

Step3: Create a usage file where want to loads env variables LIKE dotenv.test.js

const Dotenv = require('./dotenv');

Dotenv(__dirname, '.env').load();

process.env.DB_CONNECTION  // Outputs: mysql
process.env.DB_HOST        // Outputs: localhost
process.env.DB_PORT        // Outputs: 3306
process.env.DB_USERNAME    // Outputs: root
process.env.DB_PASSWORD    // Outputs: ''
process.env.DB_DATABASE    // Outputs: localdb


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 * Convert RGB/RGBA color format to HEX color format
 * @param {string} rgb [required]
 * @returns Hex color code (e.g., #ff121789, #2727c9)
function rgb2hex(rgb) {
  var i, a, p, rgba,
    regRgb = /^(?:rgb)(a)?\((?:(?<r>[\d]{1,3})([,\x20])(?<g>[\d]{1,3})\3(?<b>[\d]{1,3}))(?:(?=\3)[^,]\/\x20?(?<a>[\d]{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?)(?<p>%)|(?=\3),(?<A>0?\.\d+))?\)/g,
    regCwp = /(?:(,)\x20*|(\x20)[\x20]*|;)/g,
    hex = "#";

  if (!(rgba = (regRgb.exec(rgb.replace(regCwp, "$1$2")) || {}).groups)) {
    throw new Error("Invalid rgb format: " + rgb);

  // Extract RGB values
  rgb = [rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b];
  p = !!rgba.p; // If alpha value in %percent
  a = +(rgba.A || rgba.a); // alpha value

  // Convert RGB to HEX
  for(i in rgb) {
    hex += (+rgb[i]).toString(16).padStart(2, '0');

  if (p) a /= 100;

  // Convert Alpha to HEX
  if (a) {
    hex += Math.round(a * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0');

  return hex;

// Example usage:
rgb2hex("rgba(255, 22, 17, .3)"); // Outputs: #ff16114d
rgb2hex("rgb(255, 18, 23, 0.5)");   // Outputs: #ff121789
rgb2hex("rgb(39 39 201)");          // Outputs: #2727c9
rgb2hex("rgb(255 33 56 / 38%)");    // Outputs: #ff213861


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 * Convert HEX color format to RGB/RGBA color Format
 * @param {string} hex [required]
 * @returns rgb/rgba format (e.g., 'rgba(255,123,238)')
function hex2rgb(hex) {
  let i = 0, rgba = [];
  hex = hex.replace(/^#/, "");

  // If the hex color is 3 characters (shorthand), expand it to 6 characters
  if (hex.length === 3) {
    hex = hex.replace(/(?=(.))/g, "$1");

  // Extract the RGB values
  for(; i < 6; i += 2) {
    rgba.push(parseInt(hex.slice(i, i + 2), 16));

  // Extract the Alpha value
  if (hex.length === 8) {
    rgba.push((parseInt(hex.slice(i, i + 2), 16) / 255).toFixed(2));

  return 'rgba(' + rgba.join(',') + ')';

// Example usage:
hex2rgb("#ffff0080"); // Outputs: rgba(255,255,0,0.50)
hex2rgb("#eeeeee");   // Outputs: rgba(238,238,238)
hex2rgb("#fff");      // Outputs: rgba(255,255,255)
hex2rgb("#777bb3");   // Outputs: rgba(119,123,179)
hex2rgb("#ff00ff80"); // Outputs: rgba(255,0,0.50)


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 * Changes the case of all keys in an object
 * @param {object} obj
 * @param {boolean} isUpper
 * @returns Returns an object with its keys lower or uppercased
function objChangeKeyCase(obj, isUpper) {
  let Case = 'to' + (isUpper ? 'Upper' : 'Lower') + 'Case';

  return Object.fromEntries(
    .map(([key, val]) => [key[Case](), val])

// Example usage:
const obj = {First: 1, SecOnd: 2, ThirD: 3, FOURTH: 4, fifth: 5};

objChangeKeyCase(obj, true); // Outputs: {FIRST: 1, SECOND: 2, THIRD: 3, FOURTH: 4, FIFTH: 5}
objChangeKeyCase(obj);       // Outputs: {first: 1, second: 2, third: 3, fourth: 4, fifth: 5}

Filter odd & even

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 * odd โ€” Filter odd values in an array
 * @param {array} arr
 * @returns array with odd values
function odd(arr) {
  return arr.filter(num => num % 2);

 * even โ€” Filter even values in an array
 * @param {array} arr
 * @returns array with even values
function even(arr) {
  return arr.filter(num => (num + 1) % 2);

// Example usage:
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
odd(arr);  // Outputs: [1,3,5,7,9]
even(arr); // Outputs: [2,4,6,8]


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 * array_combine โ€” Creates an object by using one array for keys
 * and another for its values
Array.prototype.combine = function(values) {
  return array_combine(this, values);

 * array_combine โ€” Creates an object by using one array for keys
 * and another for its values
 * @param {array} keys
 * @param {array} values
 * @returns Combined object with keys and values
function array_combine(keys, values) {
  if (keys.length !== values.length) {
    throw new Error('array_combine method require must have the same number of elements.');

  return values.reduce((comb, val, i) => (comb[keys[i]] = val, comb), {});

// Example usage:
const keys = ['IN','US','RU'];
const values = ['India','United States','Russia'];

keys.combine(values);        // Outputs: {IN: 'India', US: 'United States', RU: 'Russia'}
array_combine(keys, values); // Outputs: {IN: 'India', US: 'United States', RU: 'Russia'}


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 * object_flip โ€” Exchanges all keys with their object values in
 * an array or object in Javascript
Object.prototype.flip = function() {
  return object_flip(this);

 * object_flip โ€” Exchanges all keys with their object values in
 * an array or object in Javascript
 * @param {array|object} obj
 * @returns flipped object
function object_flip(obj) {
  return Object.entries(obj).reduce((flip, [key, value]) => (flip[value] = key, flip), {});

// Example usage:
const ext1 = ['zero','one','two','three','four'];
const ext2 = {IN: 'India', US: 'United States'};

ext1.flip();       // Outputs: {zero: 0, one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, four: 4}
object_flip(ext1); // Outputs: {zero: 0, one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, four: 4}

ext2.flip();       // Outputs: {India: 'IN', 'United States': 'US'}
object_flip(ext2); // Outputs: {India: 'IN', 'United States': 'US'}

ucwords & lcwords

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 * Creates an ucwords method in Javascript,
 * To UpperCase the first character of each word in a string
String.prototype.ucwords = function(separator) {
  return toWords(this, separator, true);

 * Creates an lcwords method in Javascript,
 * To LowerCase the first character of each word in a string
String.prototype.lcwords = function(separator) {
  return toWords(this, separator, false);

 * @internal
 * Uppercase or Lowercase the first character of each word in a string
 * @param {string}  str
 * @param {string}  separator
 * @param {boolean} isUpper
 * @returns Uppercase or Lowercase first character of each word
function toWords(str, separator, isUpper) {
  let rChar = /(?=[^\w\s])/g,
    switchCase = function(char) {
      return isUpper ? char.toUpperCase() : char.toLowerCase();

  str = switchCase(str[0]) + str.slice(1);
  separator = separator != null && separator.replace(rChar, "\\") || "\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f\\v";
  matcher = "(?<=[" + separator + "])";
  regex = new RegExp(matcher.concat("(.)"), "g");
  return str.replace(regex, function(_, char) {
    return switchCase(char);

// Example usage:
const str1 = 'hello world!, hello-world!, hello_world!';
const str2 = str1.toUpperCase();

str1.ucwords();      // Outputs: 'Hello World!, Hello-world!, Hello_world!'
str1.lcwords();      // Outputs: 'hELLO wORLD!, hELLO-WORLD!, hELLO_WORLD!'

str1.ucwords(' -_'); // Outputs: 'Hello World!, Hello-World!, Hello_World!'
str1.lcwords(' -_'); // Outputs: 'hELLO wORLD!, hELLO-wORLD!, hELLO_wORLD!'


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 * Calculate the sum of values in array
Array.prototype.sum = function() {
  return array_sum(this);

 * Calculate the sum of values in array
 * @param {array} arr
 * @return Calculated sum values
function array_sum(arr) {
  return arr.reduce(function(sum, cur) {
    return sum + (parseFloat(cur) || 0);
  }, 0);

// Example usage:
const arr = [1,2,3,'1px','2px','50%','100%','22.345',445.34];

arr.sum();      // Outputs: 626.685
array_sum(arr); // Outputs: 626.685


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 * Calculate the product of values in array
Array.prototype.product = function() {
  return array_product(this);

 * Calculate the product of values in array
 * @param {array} arr
 * @return Calculated product values
function array_product(arr) {
  return arr.reduce(function(product, cur) {
    return (product * (parseFloat(cur) || 0)).toFixed(2);
  }, 1);

// Example usage:
const arr = [1,2,3,'3px','5px','55.23%','32.44'];

arr.product();      // Outputs: 161249.51
array_product(arr); // Outputs: 161249.51

max & min

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 * min โ€” Array to look through or first value to compare Find lowest value
 * @param {array} arr
 * @returns lowest value
function min(arr) {
  return Math.min.apply(null, arr);

 * max โ€” Array to look through or first value to compare Find heighest value
 * @param {array} arr
 * @returns heighest value
function max(arr) {
  return Math.max.apply(null, arr);

// Example usage:
const arr = [100,343,232,433,54544,33,3343,23];
min(arr); // Outputs: 23
max(arr); // Outputs: 54544


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 * @function randomEmoji To Generates a random emoji
 * @returns Random Emoji (e.g., ๐Ÿ˜ด, ๐Ÿ˜, ๐Ÿ˜ฏ)
function randomEmoji() {
  let startCodePoint = 0x1F601,
    endCodePoint = 0x1F64F,
    emoji = [];

  for(; startCodePoint < endCodePoint; startCodePoint++) {

  return emoji[
    Math.floor(Math.random() * emoji.length)

// Example usage:
randomEmoji(); // Outputs: ๐Ÿ˜


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 * randomEmail โ€” Generates a random fake email
 * @param {string} domain [optional]
 * @returns random fake email address
function randomEmail(domain) {
  let suffix = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(4, 6)),
    alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
    username = '',
    i = 0;

  domain = suffix + '@' + (domain || '');

  for(; i < 12; i++) {
    username += alpha[Math.floor(Math.random() * alpha.length)];

  return username + domain;

// Example usage:
randomEmail();           // Outputs: '[email protected]'
randomEmail(''); // Outputs: '[email protected]'


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 * dateFormat โ€” Create a Local date/time formatter
 * @param {string} format
 * @return Formatted Local date/time
function dateFormat(format) {
  var rformat = /(?<!\\)[dLmntyYhHgGisaA]|\\([a-z])/g,

    date = new Date(),
    n = date.getMonth() + 1,
    Y = date.getFullYear(),
    i = date.getMinutes(),
    G = date.getHours(),
    s = date.getSeconds(),

    formats = {G, n, Y,
      t: new Date(Y, n, 0).getDate(),
      s: s <= 9 ? s + '0' : s,
      L: date.getDate(),
      g: G % 12 || 12,
      i: i <= 9 ? i + '0' : i,
      a: G >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am'

  Object.assign(formats, {
    H: (formats.G <= 9 ? '0' : '') + formats.G,
    h: (formats.g <= 9 ? '0' : '') + formats.g,
    m: (formats.n <= 9 ? '0' : '') + formats.n,
    d: (formats.L <= 9 ? '0' : '') + formats.L,
    y: formats.Y % 100,
    A: formats.a.toUpperCase()

  return format.replace(rformat, function(f, c) {
    return c || formats[f];

// Example usage:
dateFormat('d-m-y h:i:s a'); // Outputs: 09-12-24 11:45:48 pm
dateFormat('d-m-Y h:i:s A'); // Outputs: 09-12-2024 11:45:48 PM
dateFormat('L n Y H:i:s A'); // Outputs: 9 12 2024 23:45:48 PM
dateFormat('d/m/Y');         // Outputs: 09/12/2024
dateFormat('H:i:s A');       // Outputs: 23:45:48 PM
dateFormat('h');             // Outputs: 11 hours
dateFormat('i');             // Outputs: 45 minutes
dateFormat('s');             // Outputs: 48 seconds
dateFormat('a');             // Outputs: pm
dateFormat('d/m/Y h:i:s');   // Outputs: 09/12/2024 11:45:48


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 * generateIP โ€” Generate random fake IP address
 * @returns Random fake IP address
function generateIP() {
  var i = 0, ip = '';

  for(; i < 4; i++) {
    ip += Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
    if (i < 3) ip += '.';
  return ip;

// Example usage:
generateIP(); // Outputs: ''


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 * getFlag โ€” To create a country flag generator using regional indicator symbols
 * @param {string} code
 * @return country flag
function getFlag(code) {
  return code.replace(/[a-z]/gi, function(char) {
    return String.fromCodePoint(char.toUpperCase().charCodeAt() - 65 + 127462);

// Example usage:
getFlag('IN'); // Outputs: ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ
getFlag('us'); // Outputs: ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
getFlag('Ru'); // Outputs: ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ
getFlag('nK'); // Outputs: ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฐ

str2bin & bin2str

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 * str2bin โ€” Convert String to Binary
 * @param {string} str
 * @returns Binary code
function str2bin(str) {
  return str.replace(/./gs, rcFunc(true)).trim();

 * bin2str โ€” Convert Binary to String
 * @param {string} bin
 * @returns Readable text
function bin2str(bin) {
  return bin.replace(/[01]+[\x20]?/g, rcFunc(false));

 * rcFunc โ€” Replace Callback Function
 * @param {boolean} encoding
 * @return Binary or Readable text
function rcFunc(encoding) {
  return function(m) {
    return encoding ? m.charCodeAt().toString(2).padStart(8, '0') + ' ' : String.fromCharCode(parseInt(m, 2));

// Example usage:
str2bin('Welcome to my YT Channel');
// Outputs: 01010111 01100101 01101100 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01011001 01010100 00100000 01000011 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101110 01100101 01101100

bin2str('01010111 01100101 01101100 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01011001 01010100 00100000 01000011 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101110 01100101 01101100');
// Outputs: 'Welcome to my YT Channel'

decbin & bindec

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 * decbin โ€” Convert Decimal to Binary
 * @param {number} num
 * @returns Binary format 0101011
function decbin(num) {
  return num.toString(2);

 * bindec โ€” Convert Binary to Decimal
 * @param {string} bin
 * @returns decimal number
function bindec(bin) {
  return parseInt(bin, 2);

// Example usage:
decbin(348374347384);                              // Outputs: '101000100011100101110101010111001111000'
bindec('101000100011100101110101010111001111000'); // Outputs: 348374347384

dechex & hexdec

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 * dechex โ€” Decimal to Hex Convertation
 * @param {number} num
 * @returns
function dechex(num) {
  return num.toString(16);

 * hexdec โ€” Hex to Decimal Convertation
 * @param {string} hex
 * @returns
function hexdec(hex) {
  return parseInt(hex, 16);

// Example usage:
dechex(16777215); // Outputs: 'ffffff'
hexdec('ffffff'); // Outputs: 16777215


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 * formatMemunit โ€” Create a memory unit formatter
 * @param {number} bytes
 * @return formatted memory unit
function formatMemunit(bytes) {
  var factor, units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'];

  factor = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024));

  return (Math.round(bytes / Math.pow(1024, factor) * 100) / 100) + ' ' + units[factor];

// Example usage:
formatMemunit(583462344);        // Outputs: 556.43 MB
formatMemunit(43223);            // Outputs: 42.21 KB
formatMemunit(432);              // Outputs: 432 B
formatMemunit(8274264242473);    // Outputs: 7.53 TB
formatMemunit(13462490534);      // Outputs: 12.54 GB
formatMemunit(3346249053473485); // Outputs: 2.97 PB

dec2Oct & oct2Dec

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 * dec2oct โ€” Convert Decimal to Octal
 * @param {number} value
 * @returns A octal number
function dec2oct(value) {
  return parseInt(value.toString(8));

 * oct2dec โ€” Convert Octal to Decimal
 * @param {number} value
 * @returns A decimal number
function oct2dec(value) {
  return parseInt(value, 8);

// Example usage:
dec2oct(299); // Outputs: 453
oct2dec(453); // Outputs: 299


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 * generateOTP โ€” Generate Random Numeric OTP
 * @param {number} length
 * @returns A random generated OTP
function generateOTP(length) {
  return String(Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(10, length))).padStart(length, '0');

// Generate OTP of 6-digits
generateOTP(6); // Outputs: 991229


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