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refactor seqext
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clayrat committed Nov 11, 2022
1 parent d35feb9 commit a654207
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Showing 2 changed files with 104 additions and 101 deletions.
203 changes: 103 additions & 100 deletions core/seqext.v
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrnat seq path eqtype choice.
From pcm Require Import options.

(* Extensions to seq *)

(* With A : Type, we have the In_split lemma. *)
(* With A : eqType, the lemma can be strenghtened to *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ split; first by exact: memNindex.
by move=>E; rewrite -index_mem E ltnn.

Corollary index_sizeE (A : eqType) (s : seq A) x :
reflect (index x s = size s) (x \notin s).
Proof. by apply/(equivP idP)/index_memN. Qed.

Lemma size0nilP (A : eqType) (xs : seq A) :
reflect (xs = [::]) (size xs == 0).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,7 +178,7 @@ Qed.

(* Interaction of filter/last/index *)

Section LastFilter.
Section FilterLastIndex.
Variables (A : eqType).

(* if s has an element, last returns one of them *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -438,9 +442,102 @@ move=>H1 H2; apply/idP/idP.
by apply: index_filter_leL.

End LastFilter.
(* index and masking *)

Lemma index_mask (s : seq A) m a b :
uniq s ->
a \in mask m s -> b \in mask m s ->
index a (mask m s) < index b (mask m s) <->
index a s < index b s.
elim: m s=>[|x m IH][|k s] //= /andP [K U]; case: x=>[|Ma Mb] /=.
- rewrite !inE; case/orP=>[/eqP <-|Ma].
- by case/orP=>[/eqP ->|]; rewrite eq_refl //; case: eqP.
case/orP=>[/eqP ->|Mb]; first by rewrite eq_refl.
by case: eqP; case: eqP=>//; rewrite ltnS IH.
case: eqP Ma K=>[-> /mem_mask -> //|Ka].
case: eqP Mb=>[-> /mem_mask -> //|Kb Mb Ma].
by rewrite ltnS IH.

Lemma index_subseq (s1 s2 : seq A) a b :
subseq s1 s2 -> uniq s2 -> a \in s1 -> b \in s1 ->
index a s1 < index b s1 <-> index a s2 < index b s2.
Proof. by case/subseqP=>m _ ->; apply: index_mask. Qed.

End FilterLastIndex.

(* index and mapping *)

Section IndexPmap.
Variables (A B : eqType).

Lemma index_pmap_inj (s : seq A) (f : A -> option B) a1 a2 b1 b2 :
injective f -> f a1 = Some b1 -> f a2 = Some b2 ->
index b1 (pmap f s) < index b2 (pmap f s) <-> index a1 s < index a2 s.
move=>Inj E1 E2; elim: s=>[|k s IH] //=; rewrite /oapp.
case: eqP=>[->{k}|].
- rewrite E1 /= eq_refl.
case: (a1 =P a2) E1 E2=>[-> -> [/eqP ->] //|].
by case: (b1 =P b2)=>[-> Na <- /Inj /esym/Na|].
case: eqP=>[->{k} Na|N2 N1]; first by rewrite E2 /= eq_refl !ltn0.
case E : (f k)=>[b|] //=.
case: eqP E1 E=>[-><- /Inj/N1 //|_ _].
by case: eqP E2=>[-><- /Inj/N2 //|_ _ _]; rewrite IH.

Lemma index_pmap_inj_mem (s : seq A) (f : A -> option B) a1 a2 b1 b2 :
{in s &, injective f} ->
a1 \in s -> a2 \in s ->
f a1 = Some b1 -> f a2 = Some b2 ->
index b1 (pmap f s) < index b2 (pmap f s) <-> index a1 s < index a2 s.
move=>Inj A1 A2 E1 E2.
elim: s Inj A1 A2=>[|k s IH] //= Inj; rewrite /oapp !inE !(eq_sym k).
case: eqP Inj=>[<-{k} /= Inj _|].
- rewrite E1 /= !eq_refl eq_sym.
case: eqP E1 E2=>[->-> [->]|]; first by rewrite eq_refl.
case: eqP=>[-> Na <- E /= A2|//].
by move/Inj: E Na=>-> //; rewrite inE ?(eq_refl,A2,orbT).
case eqP=>[<-{k} Na Inj /= A1 _|]; first by rewrite E2 /= eq_refl !ltn0.
move=>N2 N1 Inj /= A1 A2.
have Inj1 : {in s &, injective f}.
- by move=>x y X Y; apply: Inj; rewrite inE ?X ?Y ?orbT.
case E : (f k)=>[b|] /=; last by rewrite IH.
case: eqP E1 E=>[-> <- E|_ _].
- by move/Inj: E N1=>-> //; rewrite inE ?(eq_refl,A1,orbT).
case: eqP E2=>[-><- E|_ _ _]; last by rewrite IH.
by move/Inj: E N2=>-> //; rewrite inE ?(eq_refl,A2,orbT).

(* we can relax the previous lemma a bit *)
(* the relaxation will be more commonly used than the previous lemma *)
(* because the option type gives us the implication that the second *)
(* element is in the map *)
Lemma index_pmap_inj_in (s : seq A) (f : A -> option B) a1 a2 b1 b2 :
{in s & predT, injective f} ->
f a1 = Some b1 -> f a2 = Some b2 ->
index b1 (pmap f s) < index b2 (pmap f s) <-> index a1 s < index a2 s.
move=>Inj E1 E2.
case A1 : (a1 \in s); last first.
- move/negbT/index_sizeE: (A1)=>->.
suff /index_sizeE -> : b1 \notin pmap f s by rewrite !ltnNge !index_size.
rewrite mem_pmap; apply/mapP; case=>x X /esym; rewrite -E1=>E.
by move/(Inj _ _ X): E A1=><- //; rewrite X.
case A2 : (a2 \in s).
- by apply: index_pmap_inj_mem=>// x y X _; apply: Inj.
move/negbT/index_sizeE: (A2)=>->.
suff /index_sizeE -> : b2 \notin pmap f s.
- by rewrite !index_mem /= A1 mem_pmap; split=>// _; apply/mapP; exists a1.
rewrite mem_pmap; apply/mapP; case=>x X /esym; rewrite -E2=>E.
by move/(Inj _ _ X): E A2=><- //; rewrite X.

End IndexPmap.

Section EqSort.
Section SeqRel.
Variable (A : eqType).
Implicit Type (ltT leT : rel A).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -815,101 +912,7 @@ apply: H; rewrite ?(inE,Xa,Xb,orbT) //.
by case: eqP U=>[->|]; case: eqP=>[->|]; rewrite ?(Xa,Xb).

(* index and masking *)

Lemma index_mask (s : seq A) m a b :
uniq s ->
a \in mask m s -> b \in mask m s ->
index a (mask m s) < index b (mask m s) <->
index a s < index b s.
elim: m s=>[|x m IH][|k s] //= /andP [K U]; case: x=>[|Ma Mb] /=.
- rewrite !inE; case/orP=>[/eqP <-|Ma].
- by case/orP=>[/eqP ->|]; rewrite eq_refl //; case: eqP.
case/orP=>[/eqP ->|Mb]; first by rewrite eq_refl.
by case: eqP; case: eqP=>//; rewrite ltnS IH.
case: eqP Ma K=>[-> /mem_mask -> //|Ka].
case: eqP Mb=>[-> /mem_mask -> //|Kb Mb Ma].
by rewrite ltnS IH.

Lemma index_subseq (s1 s2 : seq A) a b :
subseq s1 s2 -> uniq s2 -> a \in s1 -> b \in s1 ->
index a s1 < index b s1 <-> index a s2 < index b s2.
Proof. by case/subseqP=>m _ ->; apply: index_mask. Qed.

End EqSort.

(* index and mapping *)

Lemma index_sizeE (A : eqType) (s : seq A) x :
reflect (index x s = size s) (x \notin s).
by rewrite -index_mem ltn_neqAle negb_and negbK index_size orbF; apply: eqP.

Lemma index_pmap_inj (A B : eqType) (s : seq A) (f : A -> option B) a1 a2 b1 b2 :
injective f -> f a1 = Some b1 -> f a2 = Some b2 ->
index b1 (pmap f s) < index b2 (pmap f s) <-> index a1 s < index a2 s.
move=>Inj E1 E2; elim: s=>[|k s IH] //=; rewrite /oapp.
case: eqP=>[->{k}|].
- rewrite E1 /= eq_refl.
case: (a1 =P a2) E1 E2=>[-> -> [/eqP ->] //|].
by case: (b1 =P b2)=>[-> Na <- /Inj /esym/Na|].
case: eqP=>[->{k} Na|N2 N1]; first by rewrite E2 /= eq_refl !ltn0.
case E : (f k)=>[b|] //=.
case: eqP E1 E=>[-><- /Inj/N1 //|_ _].
by case: eqP E2=>[-><- /Inj/N2 //|_ _ _]; rewrite IH.

Lemma index_pmap_inj_mem (A B : eqType) (s : seq A) (f : A -> option B) a1 a2 b1 b2 :
{in s &, injective f} ->
a1 \in s -> a2 \in s ->
f a1 = Some b1 -> f a2 = Some b2 ->
index b1 (pmap f s) < index b2 (pmap f s) <-> index a1 s < index a2 s.
move=>Inj A1 A2 E1 E2.
elim: s Inj A1 A2=>[|k s IH] //= Inj; rewrite /oapp !inE !(eq_sym k).
case: eqP Inj=>[<-{k} /= Inj _|].
- rewrite E1 /= !eq_refl eq_sym.
case: eqP E1 E2=>[->-> [->]|]; first by rewrite eq_refl.
case: eqP=>[-> Na <- E /= A2|//].
by move/Inj: E Na=>-> //; rewrite inE ?(eq_refl,A2,orbT).
case eqP=>[<-{k} Na Inj /= A1 _|]; first by rewrite E2 /= eq_refl !ltn0.
move=>N2 N1 Inj /= A1 A2.
have Inj1 : {in s &, injective f}.
- by move=>x y X Y; apply: Inj; rewrite inE ?X ?Y ?orbT.
case E : (f k)=>[b|] /=; last by rewrite IH.
case: eqP E1 E=>[-> <- E|_ _].
- by move/Inj: E N1=>-> //; rewrite inE ?(eq_refl,A1,orbT).
case: eqP E2=>[-><- E|_ _ _]; last by rewrite IH.
by move/Inj: E N2=>-> //; rewrite inE ?(eq_refl,A2,orbT).

(* we can relax the previous lemma a bit *)
(* the relaxation will be more commonly used than the previous lemma *)
(* because the option type gives us the implication that the second *)
(* element is in the map *)
Lemma index_pmap_inj_in (A B : eqType) (s : seq A) (f : A -> option B) a1 a2 b1 b2 :
{in s & predT, injective f} ->
f a1 = Some b1 -> f a2 = Some b2 ->
index b1 (pmap f s) < index b2 (pmap f s) <-> index a1 s < index a2 s.
move=>Inj E1 E2.
case A1 : (a1 \in s); last first.
- move/negbT/index_sizeE: (A1)=>->.
suff /index_sizeE -> : b1 \notin pmap f s by rewrite !ltnNge !index_size.
rewrite mem_pmap; apply/mapP; case=>x X /esym; rewrite -E1=>E.
by move/(Inj _ _ X): E A1=><- //; rewrite X.
case A2 : (a2 \in s).
- by apply: index_pmap_inj_mem=>// x y X _; apply: Inj.
move/negbT/index_sizeE: (A2)=>->.
suff /index_sizeE -> : b2 \notin pmap f s.
- by rewrite !index_mem /= A1 mem_pmap; split=>// _; apply/mapP; exists a1.
rewrite mem_pmap; apply/mapP; case=>x X /esym; rewrite -E2=>E.
by move/(Inj _ _ X): E A2=><- //; rewrite X.
End SeqRel.

(* there always exists a nat not in a given list *)
Lemma not_memX (ks : seq nat) : exists k, k \notin ks.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pcm/pcm.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1485,7 +1485,7 @@ case=>hb[h][{h1}-> Hb H]; rewrite joinCA; exists hb, (ha \+ h); split=>//;

Corollary eq_sepitF s (f1 f2 : A -> Pred U) :
(forall x, x \in s -> f1 x =p f2 x) -> sepit s f1 =p sepit s f2.
(forall x, x \in s -> f1 x =p f2 x) -> sepit s f1 =p sepit s f2.
Proof. by move=>H; apply: sepitF=>x Hx; apply/H/mem_seqP. Qed.

Corollary perm_sepit s1 s2 (f : A -> Pred U) :
Expand Down

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