oRover is intended to become an Observation Robot which you can send around in your house patrolling to check what is happening. You can control oRover via Internet and receive it's camera stream back. oRover is built with a Raspberry PI as central controller and an Arduino Mega to work with the motors and the sensors.
- Raspberry PI zero W as central controller
- Arduino Mega as sensor and motor controller
- Any robot chassis with four motors
- the Adafruit V1 motor shield or look-a-like
This projects is for us a study-and-play project. It is not complete. It might never be complete. But it helps us learning a bit about robotics and autonomous driving. Next to that, the project servers as a nice excuse for project-evenings, where the social aspect is also an important topic. Anyway although it is not complete, this project might give you some ideas, or even better, perhaps you can share your experience with us! Feel free to reach out to us with positive feedback!
Version | Date | Status |
0.2 | Feb 2022 | Motors running |
0.1 | Oct 2021 | Initial Idea |
Have a look at the Wiki for installation and build instructions.