Vapor is a web framework for Swift. It provides a beautifully expressive and easy to use foundation for your next website, API, or cloud project.
Take a look at some of the awesome stuff created with Vapor.
Vapor is built on SwiftNIO, which provide a great performance and a great way to handle asynchronous work on servers, with features like for Futures and Promises.
while it's already working good for vapor and other server frameworks , writing asynchronous code for vapor applications without swiftNIO will leave the developers with two options:
1- writing asynchronous code in the tradational way of callbacks and clousres 2- writing asynchronous code using the avaliable frameworks for RFP like RxSwift and Combine
using 2nd option seems a better idea since it would really fit in the environemnt, But for some reasons, as disuccssed here RxSwift won't be the best option because it's a big dependency
i believe, that combine is a better alternative, also swiftNIO is going to have better support for Combine
This's an expermintal fork from Vapor, with combine Support added to it.
func routes(_ app: Application) throws {
app.get{ req -> EventLoopFuture<String> in
return Just("AwesomePublisher").promise(on: req)
or more complex usage will be:
func routes(_ app: Application) throws {
app.get{ req -> EventLoopFuture<View> in //normal route in vapor 4
Just("Awesome Combine Publisher") //Combine Publisher, could be any publisher like PassThroughPublisher, or AnyPublisher,
.flatMap({ (value) -> AnyPublisher<String,Never> in //flat map in Combine to process data
return Just(value + "Some operation").eraseToAnyPublisher()
.promise(on: req) //Combine Publisher tranformed to EventLoopFuture
.flatMap { (outputFromCombine) -> EventLoopFuture<View> in //Flat map in SwiftNIO to process data recieved to a view
return req.view.render("index",outputFromCombine)
a lot of things can be done to have a better support for Combine and swiftNio, for example i would love to remove the usage of flatMap(SwiftNio) one, for better readability and less boilerplate code.