An unofficial node.js implementation for managing dns records.
##Freenom is a ccTLD register service, which has several free domains for users to register for free (.tk, .ml, .ga, etc...) However, except web UI, freenom does not provide friendly API interfaces for developers to update DNS records. Thus, this module is intend to wrap DNS management web interface and provide some convenient node.js API for you. And the final goal is to provide full set of freenom management API interface, plus some extra features such as ddns functionality.
npm install -g freenom-dns
Node.js and npm are required to use this tool
login enter freenom login info
list [<domain>] list domains or records of the domain
set <fqdn> <type> <value> [<ttl>] add/edit a DNS record
clear <fqdn> <type> delete a DNS record
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
First of all, you need to have a freenom account, and register for a domain (free or paid).
Run login command, you will be prompt to input your credential.
$ freenom-dns login email: [email protected] password: ********
list your domains by the following command
Domain Status Expiry Date ---------------- -------- ------------- Active 29/07/2017 Active 29/07/2017
list records for specific domain.
Name Type Value -------------- -------- ---------------------------- A www A TEST CNAME
now you can add/edit via command line, such as
$ freenom-dns set A
Please note that you have to enter full domain(FQDN) here, so the API could locate the correct domain for you.
also, you could clear a record by specifying FQDN and type
$freenom-dns clear A
for detailed command format, please see
$freenom-dns -h
##API ###Install npm install --save freenom-dns
###How to use First of all, initialize freenom object with your login credential.
var user = "YOUR EMAIL";
var pass ="YOUR PASSWORD";
var freenom = require("freenom-dns").init(user, pass);
Then you can call one of the exported api, such as
freenom.dns.setRecord("", "CNAME", "", 1440)
.then(function(ret) {
.catch((err) => {
The API is in promise style, you can get the result from then() callback if success, or get error reason from catch() callback if failed. For other samples, please checkout examples/
###Available methods
- dns
- listDomains() - list your domains
- listRecords(fqdn) - list records for specific domain.
- setRecord(fqdn, type, value[, ttl]) - add/edit DNS record
- clearRecord(fqdn, type) - clear a record
where type should be one of the following DNS record type.
- A
- MX
- RP
##Reference Freenom offical web site
- lpinca/freenom - freenom API interfaces, but lack of dns record support.
- a-c-t-i-n-i-u-m/ - awesome shell script to support ddns.