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This repository was archived by the owner on Mar 9, 2020. It is now read-only.


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Coding Rules & Guidelines

General Guidelines

Read through Frontend's wiki pages to get started.

Vuex Guideline

Read through Vuex Guideline to understand how our state management is organized.

Global Tools

Needed to install vue-cli plugins and using vue ui

$ npm install -g @vue/cli

Update dependencies

npm update --save/--save-dev -f

Local Environment Configurations Required

There are 3 .env files required for testing, development, and production:

  1. .env.test.local
  2. .env.development.local
  3. .env.production.local

Config files available in our slack channel

Project setup

$ npm install

IDE Linting setup (after npm install)

JetBrains WebStorm

Set stylelint for on the fly SCSS linting

  1. Install IntelliJ Stylelint Plugin:

    • Go to: Preferences > Plugins
    • Go to Marketplace tab
    • On search bar, type stylelint and press enter
    • Select and Install IntelliJ Stylelint Plugin
  2. Enable stylelint:

    • Go to: Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > Style Sheets > Stylelint
    • Click on enable box
    • Click on Process JS files box
  3. Ensure .stylelintrc.json is defined.

Set =eslint for on the fly eslinting

  1. Go to: Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Code Quality Tools > Eslint
  2. Click on Automatic ESLint Configuration

JetBrains WebStorm Settings to adhere to vue style guideline

Remove IDE auto indenting in newlines in <script> and <style> tag:

  1. Preferences > Editor > Code Style > HTML
  2. Go to Other tabs
  3. Under Do not indent children of: add style and script

Auto identing with reformat code command cmd + option + L

  1. Preferences > Editor > Code Style > Other File Types
  2. Set tab size to 2
  3. Set indent to 2

Run projects with CLI commands

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

** To make RPC's to work within the app in dev mode, you need to also run services in Docker Container (below)

Run Services in Docker Containers

Make sure you have Docker Desktop installed. Installing Docker Desktop comes with docker-compose.

The following commands will start local docker containers for:

  1. postgres db
  2. hwsc-app-gateway-svc
  3. hwsc-user-svc
  4. TODO add more later

Starting at root of hwsc-frontend, run the following:

$ cd docker
$ docker-compose up

You can usually stop your containers successfully with ctrl + c.

Sometimes that command will prematurely abort and won't stop all containers. In that case follow up with $ docker-compose stop.

Or just use $ docker-compose stop.

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Compiles and minifies using development .env configuration

  • Built files used to deploy in a dev server remotely
npm run build:dev

Compiles and minifies using test .env configuration

  • TODO: Point to a local docker-compose for unit testing in a CI/CD pipeline
npm run build:test

Run your tests

npm run test

ES Lints and fixes files

To extend lint rules refer to this vue guide and eslint guide

npm run lint

Stylelint and fixes files

npm run lint:css

Run your end-to-end tests

npm run test:e2e

Run your unit tests

After you run this command, jest will create a coverage directory in root of hwsc-frontend. You can view code coverage results in the browser by clicking on index.html and opening in browser.

npm run test:unit

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Run your unit tests

After you run this command, jest will create a coverage directory in root of hwsc-frontend. You can view code coverage results in the browser by clicking on index.html and opening in browser.

npm run test:unit

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Run project using Vue UI

After globally installing @vue/cli package, you can launch Vue UI which will open up a browser control panel to:

  1. View project plugins/dependencies in depth
  2. Make changes on eslint configuration
  3. Run, build, test, lint the project

To use:

  1. In command line: $ vue ui
  2. Import this project folder

Typescript Debugging

sourceMap is enabled in tsconfig.json, so you can debug using browser dev tools

What is sourceMap?

Helpful Links

Browser compatibility List