- Truffle
- Ganache
- Web3
- NextJS
- ReactJS
- Run: npm i -g truffle, npm i -g ganache-cli
- Run: ganache-cli
- Connect Metamask to Ganache: Import account from Ganache to Metamask Run: Copy code from cli -> Import account to Metamask
- Config truffle file: truffle-config.js. Uncomment network details
- Create network. Ex: ganache
Truffle compile -> truffle console -> truffle migrate
If error try with: truffle console --network name_of_network Ex: truffle console --network ganache
After run truffle migrate, truffle will deploy smart contracts. And show Summary if success.
It will create "networks" data detail in contract json in build\contracts
Ex: Summary
Total deployments: 2 Final cost: 0.00973148 ETH
- Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0
- Saving migration to chain.
- Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0
- Saving migration to chain.
- Create smart contract instance
- Use: npm create-next-app