Business Automation or Red Hat Process Automation Manager is a portifolio which includes a web tool for authoring, rules management application and build business process (Workbench/Business Central).
This repository is meant to help bootstrap users of the Red Hat Process Automation Manager Portifolio to get started in building and using Red Hat Process Automation Manager (PAM) and Red Hat Decision Manager (DM) to build applications to run in different runtimes such as jboss enterprise platform, spring boot and cloud native using Kogito(Quarkus implementation for jbpm and drools).
PAM is a platform for developing business process management (BPM) business rules management (BRM), Decision Model and Notation (DMN), and business resource optimization and complex event processing (CEP)
DM is a platform to developing and authoring business rules management (BRM), and business resource optimization and complex event processing (CEP)
It's a tool to help model, analyze, measure, improve, automate business processes and decisions based on jbpm framework.
It provides a core Business Rules Engine (BRE) and full runtime support for Decision Model and Notation (DMN) models.
Kogito is a framework which compile your business process and business rules in a more cloud native approach taking advantage of the latest technologies (Quarkus, knative, etc.), you get amazingly fast boot times and instant scaling on orchestration platforms like Kubernetes.
This repo contains process automation(jbpm) and business rules(drools,dmn) related quickstarts of several different flavors.