Structured logging support for Zig, enjoy, or my cat may hiss at you.
I created a miniature logging framework to satisfy my immediate needs:
- Simple, low ceremony logging
- Thread-safe, yet performant with efficient resource usage
- Out-of-the-box log output friendly to cloud deployments (EKS, LOKI, etc) and log scrapers
- ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifiers) support
- Do everything (loading config from various sources, have rolling file appenders, etc)
- Become baggage-laden (dependencies on everything else out there)
These are early days, and the feature set may grow, bugs will be found and fixed.
Let zig fetch the package and integrate it into your build.zig.zon
zig fetch --save
Add dependency import in build.zig
const hissylogz = b.dependency("hissylogz", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
// .
// .
// .
lib.root_module.addImport("hissylogz", hissylogz.module("hissylogz"));
// .
// .
// .
exe.root_module.addImport("hissylogz", hissylogz.module("hissylogz"));
// .
// .
// .
lib_unit_tests.addImport("hissylogz", hissylogz.module("hissylogz"));
// .
// .
// .
There may multiple logger pools, optionally, a global logger pool is supported. Each logger pool is thread-safe.
Logger pools provision and cache loggers, each of which are in turn thread-safe (loggers are shared).
Using a logger, entries my be created at various log levels (fine
, debug
, info
, warn
, err
, fatal
), and named values attached to log entries via chain calls.
Such entries are "borrowed" from entry pools in loggers, and will be returned to the pool upon a terminating call to log()
Gotcha: Do not use a
writer for logging in unit tests, usestderr
instead. See open Zig issue: zig build test hangs if stdout included
Prepare a logger pool for use:
const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const io =;
const hissylogz = @import("hissylogz");
pub fn main() !void {
// Prepare allocator
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
// Prepare logger pool
const pool = try hissylogz.loggerPool(allocator, .{
.writer =,
.filter_level = .info,
defer pool.deinit();
// Do your thing
Once you have a pool, you can "tear-off" loggers, and create entries at various levels:
fn useLoggerPool(pool: *LoggerPool) void {
var logger = pool.logger("my very own logger");
.str("first", "Non-rendered entry")
.boolean("rendered", false)
.str("first", "Rendered entry")
.boolean("rendered", true)
.str("another", "Another rendered entry")
A few trivial examples:
for (0..5) |idx| {
// Log at fine level, include a source code reference, and with idx in binary
.msg("Fine entry")
.intb("idx", idx)
// Log at debug level, include a source code reference, and with idx in hexadecimal
.msg("Debug entry")
.intx("idx", idx)
// Log at info level, with idx in decimal
.msg("Info entry")
.int("idx", idx)
// Log at warning level, with idx in decimal
.msg("Warning entry")
.int("idx", idx)
// Log at error level, with idx in decimal and an error enum name
doSomethingHorrible() catch |e| {
.msg("Error entry")
.int("idx", idx)
// Log a fatal message
.msg("Fatal error entry")
defaults to the system's nanosecond-precision timestamp supplier.
If running a simulator with accellerated time, for example, you can provide your own, e.g.
Given a simulator
package with a function having the signature:
pub fn virtualNanosSinceEpoch() i128
We can use the simulator's virtual timestamps as follows:
const sim = @import("simulator");
var log_options: LogOptions = .{
// other overrides
// ...
// now provide our timestamp supplier
.ns_ts_supplier = sim.virtualNanosSinceEpoch,
In your main module, initialize the global logger pool, e.g.
const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const io =;
const hissylogz = @import("hissylogz");
pub fn main() !void {
// Prepare allocator
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
// Prepare global logger pool
try hissylogz.initGlobalLoggerPool(allocator, .{
.writer =,
.filter_level = .info,
defer hissylogz.deinitGlobalLoggerPool();
// Do your thing
I added ULID support for logging needs, but it may be useful by itself.
struct andGenerator
.- The
struct is packed such that it is trivially bit-castable tou128
. - Maintains monotonic sort order (correctly detects and handles the same millisecond) per
- The
For all-singing, all-dancing ULID support, consider ulid-zig.
const hissylogz = @import("hissylogz");
const ulid = hissylogz.ulid;
pub fn main() !void {
var gen = ulid.generator();
const ulid_0 = try;
const ulid_1 = try;
const str = ulid_0.encode();
const ulid_from_str = try ulid.decode(&str);
const bytes = ulid_0.bytes();
const ulid_from_bytes = try ulid.fromBytes(&bytes);
This module uses datetime
for timestamps and RFC3339 rendering.
itself has no further dependencies.
I drew inspiration for the logger/entry API from log.zig
I re-purposed bits lifted from ulid-zig under 0BSD. This is a solid library and comes with plenty of bells and whistles, a nice C ABI, the works. I've added known error sets, and a heavily trimmed down, restructured API.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
(c) 2024 Kevin Poalses