disabled force-checkOnly option since [email protected]
extended deploy:ant-salesforce
Usually use empty DE edition to target for deploy.
Then you get test/coverage result.
I think to using together Jenkins.
$ sbt assembly
$ sbt eclipse
- deployForCI
- sfc.testResultFile (default:target/sforceci/test-result.xml)
- sfc.coverageResultFile (default:target/sforceci/coverage.xml)
- sfc.coverageReportClassNameFilter (coverage.xml className filter regex. default:".*")
- sfc.sobjectPlural (true:add pluralLabel, false:nothing to do, default=false)
- sfc.noErrorOnTestFail (control raise testFail error of ant-task, true: not-raised error on fail, false: raised error on fail. default=false)
- sfc.noErrorOnCoveargeWarning (control raise coverageWarning at 75% sfdc on ant-task, true: not-raised error on fail, false: raised error on fail. default=false)
$ ant -lib target/scala-2.11 -f ForceComSample/build.xml deployForCI
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