SUSTech Archive This repo holds a collection of course materials for SUSTech undergraduate education (CSE, class of 2020). TOC Freshman 2020F CS102A Introduction to Computer Programming A (aka. Java I) CS103 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence MA101B Calculus I A Freshman 2021S MA102B Calculus II A MA107A Linear Algebra A Sophomore 2021F CS201 Discrete Mathematics CS203 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis CS205 C/C++ Program Design CS207 Digital Logic CS307 Principles of Database Systems MA212 Probability and Statistics Sophomore 2022S CS202 Computer Organization CS208 Algorithm Design CS209 Computer System Design and Application (aka. Java II) CS304 Software Engineering CS305 Computer Networking CS306 Data Mining Junior 2022F CS101 Introduction to Computer Science CS112 Python Programming CS303 Artificial Intelligence CS308 Computer Vision CS309 Object-oriented Analysis and Design CS405 Machine Learning Junior 2023S CS302 Operating Systems CS324 Deep Learning CS328 Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing CLE050 Elementary Japanese Toolbox for ⚠️ toy code - no longer maintained / PRs welcomed capture course course table to ical point selection phase tracker & notifier