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Language Server Configurations
Use hx --health
to check the status of any of the language servers that are
configured by default or in your personal languages.toml
file. See
the documentation for more
information about where these files are and how they work.
For Helix to use a language server, it must first be installed onto your computer. If it is one of the default language servers, it will be used automatically with no further setup needed once it is installed.
You can see the configuration of the default language servers for each language
in the
helix repo languages.toml
By adding the configurations below, you can supplement or replace the default
Check if your operating system repository has them available, or install them manually, following the instructions below.
If your language server does not support stdio, you can use netcat
as a
drop-in proxy, just add this to your languages.toml
command = "nc"
args = ["", "6008"]
name = "example-language"
language-servers = [ "example-language-server" ]
Much of this information was originally sourced from nvim-lspconfig, thanks to those authors!
If your OS package manager hasn't packaged
you can install it from NPM:
npm i -g @ansible/ansible-language-server
In turn, this binary will check if ansible-lint
and yamllint
are installed
on your system and use them if found.
In addition to highlighting and linting your code, the Ansible language server can also be used to look up docs for Ansible keywords. With your cursor on a keyword, use "<space>k".
npm i -g @astrojs/language-server
Sample settings in languages.toml
command = "astro-ls"
args = ["--stdio"]
config = {typescript = {tsdk = "/Users/user/.bun/install/global/node_modules/typescript/lib"}, environment = "node"}
name = "astro"
auto-format = true
language-servers = [ "astro-ls" ]
Please note that a valid config.typescript.tsdk
path must be passed to the LSP
config. You will need typescript
installed. If you have typescript
globally you can find where by running npm list -g | head -1
npm i -g "awk-language-server@>=0.5.2"
Language server for Bash, written using tree-sitter in TypeScript.
can be installed via NPM
npm i -g bash-language-server
Note that bash-language-server
has external dependencies for certain features!
Feature | Binary |
Diagnostics | shellcheck |
Formatting | shfmt |
Bass's language server is built in to the bass
command as bass --lsp
. See
the Guide for more info.
The Bicep language server is published separately as a Windows package. Download the bicep-langserver.zip from the releases page.
To run this under Linux/WSL you will need to install the dotnet
for your OS.
Unzip this in a directory of your choosing for example, /home/myUser/.cache/
Create the following bash script somewhere in your $PATH
#!/usr/bin/env bash
exec dotnet /home/myUser/.cache/bicep-langserver/Bicep.LangServer.dll
bqnlsp: https://git.sr.ht/~detegr/bqnlsp, which depends on:
Sample settings in languages.toml
command = "bqnlsp"
name = "bqn"
file-types = ["bqn"]
comment-token = "#"
indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " }
shebangs = ["bqn", "cbqn"]
roots = []
injection-regex = "bqn"
scope = "scope.bqn"
language-servers = ["bqnlsp"]
language-id = "bqn"
Note: you can input the glyphs by
key remapping in config.toml
"=" = [ ":insert-output /bin/echo -n ×", "move_char_right" ]
minus = [ ":insert-output /bin/echo -n ÷", "move_char_right" ]
"+" = [ ":insert-output /bin/echo -n ⋆", "move_char_right" ]
# ...
NOTE: Clang >= 9 is recommended!
clangd relies on a
JSON compilation database
specified as compile_commands.json
or, for simpler projects, a
. For details on how to automatically generate one using
CMake look
Alternatively, you can use Bear.
Please go to the installation page. https://clojure-lsp.io/installation/
An example for MacOs/Linux (copied from the installation page)
brew remove clojure-lsp # if you have old clojure-lsp installed via brew
brew install clojure-lsp/brew/clojure-lsp-native
CMake LSP Implementation.
Core languages.toml
contains configuration options, view at the top level of
this repo.
Install the unofficial LSP server
Crystalline. Below is copied from the
LSP repo.
wget https://github.com/elbywan/crystalline/releases/latest/download/crystalline_x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.gz -O crystalline.gz &&\
gzip -d crystalline.gz &&\
chmod u+x crystalline
yay -S crystalline
Install using homebrew:
brew install crystalline
can be installed via npm
npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
https://github.com/omnisharp/omnisharp-roslyn OmniSharp server based on Roslyn workspaces
can be installed by downloading and extracting a release for
your platform from
here. Omnisharp can
also be built from source by following the instructions
Omnisharp requires the dotnet-sdk to be installed.
To use Omnisharp, you only need to have the OmniSharp
binary in your
environment path. The default languages.toml
configuration should work fine.
Download the -netX.0
build. Because OmniSharp is not shipped as a binary file,
instead as OmniSharp.dll
, it needs to be run using dotnet
. As such the
config should be changed to this:
command = "dotnet"
args = [ "path/to/OmniSharp.dll", "--languageserver" ]
If the language server immediately exits or otherwise doesn't appear to work,
try running dotnet restore
and/or dotnet build
in the current project
Install using dub fetch serve-d
Language server for dart.
Install Deno from https://docs.deno.com/runtime/getting_started/installation/
Deno requires custom configuration in languages.toml
name = "javascript"
shebangs = ["deno"]
roots = ["deno.json", "deno.jsonc"]
file-types = ["js"]
language-servers = ["deno-lsp"]
auto-format = true
name = "typescript"
shebangs = ["deno"]
roots = ["deno.json", "deno.jsonc"]
file-types = ["ts"]
language-servers = ["deno-lsp"]
auto-format = true
name = "jsx"
shebangs = ["deno"]
roots = ["deno.json", "deno.jsonc"]
file-types = ["jsx"]
language-servers = ["deno-lsp"]
auto-format = true
name = "tsx"
shebangs = ["deno"]
roots = ["deno.json", "deno.jsonc"]
file-types = ["tsx"]
language-servers = ["deno-lsp"]
auto-format = true
command = "deno"
args = ["lsp"]
environment = { NO_COLOR = "1" }
enable = true
# Uncomment to enable completion of unstable features of Deno
# unstable = true
# Uncomment to cache dependencies on save
# cacheOnSave = true
# Enable completion of importing from registries
# Enable completion of function calls
suggest = { completeFunctionCalls = false, imports = { hosts = { "https://deno.land" = true } } }
# suggest = { imports = { hosts = { "https://deno.land" = true, "https://crux.land" = true, "https://x.nest.land" = true } } }
# Uncomment to enable inlay hints
# inlayHints.parameterNames.enabled = "all"
# inlayHints.parameterTypes.enabled = true
# inlayHints.variableTypes.enabled = true
# inlayHints.propertyDeclarationTypes.enabled = true
# inlayHints.functionLikeReturnTypes.enabled = true
# inlayHints.enumMemberValues.enabled = true
Note that some lsp commands are not currently supported, in particular
because it requires a Deno lsp extension
can be installed via npm
npm install -g dockerfile-language-server-nodejs
can be installed via npm
npm install -g @microsoft/compose-language-service
npm i -g dot-language-server
can be installed by following the instructions
curl -fLO https://github.com/elixir-lsp/elixir-ls/releases/latest/download/elixir-ls.zip
unzip elixir-ls.zip -d /path/to/elixir-ls
# Unix
chmod +x /path/to/elixir-ls/language_server.sh
Rename language_server.sh
to elixir-ls
and add it to your $PATH
as this is
how helix
expects to find it.
Install using homebrew:
brew install elixir-ls
npm install -g elm elm-test elm-format @elm-tooling/elm-language-server
cargo install forth-lsp
dotnet tool install --global fsautocomplete
We need to install nc
or netcat
. Port 6005 is used in Godot 4.0 beta6. You
will find the right value in the editor configuration panel.
command = "nc"
args = [ "", "6005"]
name = "gdscript"
language-servers = [ "godot" ]
For Windows 10/11
Use winget
to install nmap
. This will install ncat
winget install nmap
Once installed, make sure the folder that nmap
is now located at is added to
your PATH, as winget
fails to do this automatically for some people.
In Godot 3.5.1 port used is 6008
. You have to change the command used also.
Instead of nc
type ncat
and modify the port. You can find the port when you
open the Godot editor and navigate here:
Editor -> Editor Settings -> Network -> Language Server -> Remote Port
command = "ncat"
args = [ "", "6008"]
name = "gdscript"
language-servers = [ "godot" ]
Starting with version 0.21.0
, the Gleam language server is built-in to the
command-line interface.
See the official announcement for more information.
gleam lsp
The folder for go packages (typically $HOME/go/bin) will need to be added to your PATH for any of the below to work.
go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest # LSP
go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv@latest # Debugger
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest # Formatter
go install github.com/nametake/golangci-lint-langserver@latest # Linter
go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@latest # Linter cli
The LSP formatter (gofmt
) does not fix imports, goimports
should be used
name = "go"
auto-format = true
formatter = { command = "goimports" }
npm i -g graphql-language-service-cli
Haskell Language Server.
The Helm-ls installation guide can be found under the "Getting Started" section in the readme.
can be installed via npm
npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
Installation instructions can be found on the projects README.
On macOS installation can also be done via brew install jdtls
On debian based distros try a fantastic install script made by eruizc-dev: jdtls-launcher.
For the Arch Linux: yay -Sy jdtls
AUR jdtls source.
After installing, test to see if the jdtls
works out of the box (it should
work for the debian script). For versions older than 1.16.0
: the -data
parameter must be passed to jdtls
and it must be different for each project.
This can be achieved by adding a .helix/languages.toml
configuration to the
project root:
jdtls = { command = "jdtls" }
language-server = { command = "jdtls", args = [
"-data", "/home/<USER>/.cache/jdtls/workspace"
name = "java"
scope = "source.java"
injection-regex = "java"
file-types = ["java"]
roots = ["pom.xml", "build.gradle", ]
indent = { tab-width = 4, unit = " " }
language-servers = [ "jdtls" ]
Note: the -data
parameter must be up one directory from the project directory.
The following will enable inlay hints for the jdtls language server when added to .helix/languages.toml
parameterNames.enabled = "all"
See tsserver.
vscode-json-language-server, a language server for JSON and JSON schema
can be installed via npm
npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
Available settings can be found here: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/4f69cdf95a12cef48d405b38bf7812a7f297c310/extensions/json-language-features/server/src/jsonServer.ts#L183
config = { "provideFormatter" = true, "json" = { "keepLines" = { "enable" = true } } }
A Language Server Protocol (LSP) server for Jsonnet.
Can be installed either via the latest release binary or if you have golang installed, you can use:
go install github.com/grafana/jsonnet-language-server@latest
LanguageServer.jl can be installed with julia
and Pkg
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("LanguageServer")'
To update an existing install, use the following command:
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.update()'
A Kotlin language server which was developed for internal usage and released afterward. Maintaining is not done by the original author, but by fwcd.
It is built via gradle and developed on GitHub. Source and additional description: https://github.com/fwcd/kotlin-language-server
TexLab: A cross-platform implementation of the Language Server Protocol providing rich cross-editing support for the LaTeX typesetting system.
Add the following to your languages.toml to enable build on save:
onSave = true
TexLab can be further configured to jump to your current location in the pdf
following the build, among other useful things. For all available options, see
the TexLab wiki.
Everything under the texlab
key goes under
(or possibly language.config.texlab
older releases). For instance, setting the texlab.build.onSave
property to
(as per the
TexLab wiki)
is achieved with the above languages.toml
Lean installation instructions can be found here.
Once Lean is installed, you can install the Lean 3 language server by running
npm install -g lean-language-server
Binaries are available from: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/releases
brew install lua-language-server
@markdoc/language-server -
an experimental language server for markdoc. markdoc-ls
should be available
after installation.
Install using
npm install -g @markdoc/language-server
The default language server is Marksman: https://github.com/artempyanykh/marksman
Binaries are available from: https://github.com/artempyanykh/marksman/releases
macOS and Linux
brew install marksman or yay -S marksman-bin
scoop install marksman
As an alternative you can use ltex-ls
which provides grammar and spelling
errors in markup documents: https://valentjn.github.io/ltex/
name = "markdown"
language-servers = [ "marksman", "ltex-ls" ]
Additional configuration settings can be added, for example to disable the
profanity rules and add the word builtin
to two dictionaries:
ltex.disabledRules = { "en-US" = ["PROFANITY"], "en-GB" = ["PROFANITY"] }
ltex.dictionary = { "en-US" = ["builtin"], "en-GB" = ["builtin"] }
Currently, the ability to add to your user dictionary while running Helix is not supported, so adding words to the config is the best workaround.
has not been updated in a while, but there is a new fork with bug fixes and new features to try here: https://github.com/ltex-plus/ltex-ls-plus. If your build of Helix is before 16th Dec 24 you need to add:
ltex-ls-plus = { command = "ltex-ls-plus" }
An alternative to marksman
that provides support for advanced markdown PKM
systems in your favorite text editor. It features complete compatibility with
Obsidian.md markdown syntax and bases its features on the features of the
Obsidian.md editor. For a list of all features, check out the
- It can be installed for Arch from the AUR under the name
paru -S markdown-oxide-git
- Or it can be installed by
cargo install --git https://github.com/Feel-ix-343/markdown-oxide.git markdown-oxide
- Or manually by following these directions
Note: as per the README, "MATLAB language server requires MATLAB version R2021a or later."
command = "matlab-language-server"
args = ["--stdio"]
indexWorkspace = false
matlabConnectionTiming = "onStart"
telemetry = false
name = "matlab"
scope = "source.m"
file-types = ["m"]
language-servers = ["matlab-ls"]
comment-token = "%"
shebangs = ["octave-cli", "matlab"]
indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " }
Install Mint using the instructions. The language server is included since version 0.12.0.
- Install the Modular CLI
- Install the Mojo SDK
See this PR: https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/pull/8583
# May require choosenim
nimble install nimlangserver
The default language server is nil
since the 2022-12 release.
This program is available in NixOS/nixpkgs
under attribute nil
, and is regularly updated.
- If you use
, runnix-env -iA nixpkgs.nil
- If you use
nix profile
, runnix profile install nixpkgs#nil
- Check out the GitHub repository for additional options
The formatter nixpkgs-fmt
is not included and can be installed with
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nixpkgs-fmt
To set up the formatter, set the following in your languages.toml
name = "nix"
formatter = { command = "nixpkgs-fmt" }
To use the previous default language server, check out https://github.com/nix-community/rnix-lsp
The OCaml language server ocamllsp
can be installed via OPAM:
opam install ocaml-lsp-server
ols - https://github.com/DanielGavin/ols
Provides syntax highlighting, auto-complete, code formatting and more for Odin.
An implementation of the language server protocol for OpenPolicyAgent's rego.
You can download it from its releases page, or
$ go install github.com/kitagry/regols@latest
Provides syntax checking, autocompletion, perlcritic, code navigation, hover for Perl.
Implemented as a Language Server using the Microsoft LSP libraries along with Perl doing the syntax checking and parsing.
Perl Navigator can be installed by downloading the latest release for your platform at the project's releases page and putting the perlnavigator executable somewhere in your PATH.
This repository contains an implementation of the Language Server Protocol in Rust, for the Pest parser generator.
Phpactor requires PHP 8.1.
You can download phpactor.phar
as follows:
curl -Lo phpactor.phar https://github.com/phpactor/phpactor/releases/latest/download/phpactor.phar
Then make it executable and symlink it somewhere in your PATH:
chmod a+x phpactor.phar
mv phpactor.phar ~/.local/bin/phpactor
Check support using the status command:
phpactor status
✔ Composer detected - faster class location and more features!
✔ Git detected - enables faster refactorings in your repository scope!
Then, to enable this LSP you have to create a file languages.toml
in your
project directory .helix/languages.toml
and place the following code inside
(or if you want you could do this to helix languages.toml file globally):
command = "phpactor"
args = [ "language-server" ]
name = "php"
language-servers = [ "phpactor" ]
Intelephense is proprietary, so be sure to review its licensing terms.
can be installed via npm
npm install -g intelephense
To enable the premium features you have to provide a license key for which you have a few options:
- Adding the license key directly to your languages.toml file:
licenceKey = "MY_LICENSE_KEY"
- Adding the path to your license file
licenceKey = "/home/username/.config/intelephense/license.txt"
- Adding the license file to your home directory under
Note: Keep in mind how the word is written licenceKey and not licenseKey, also for step 3) it has to be licence.txt.
yay -S termux-language-server
Syntax highlighting is not currently possible as there is no PowerShell
treesitter. But auto-completion can be achieved by the following configuration.
Download the latest
zip and extract it. In this example, I extracted it to C:\tools.
You must then run Get-ChildItem C:\tools\PowerShellEditorServices\ -Recurse | Unblock-File
to allow the PowerShell within the directory to be executed.
name = "powershell"
scope = "source.ps1"
file-types = ["ps1", "psm1"]
roots = [".git"]
comment-token = "#"
indent = { tab-width = 4, unit = " " }
language-servers = [ "powershell-editor-services" ]
command = "pwsh"
args = ["-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-Command", "C:\\tools\\PowerShellEditorServices\\PowerShellEditorServices\\Start-EditorServices.ps1 -BundledModulesPath C:\\tools\\PowerShellEditorServices -SessionDetailsPath C:\\tools\\PowerShellEditorServices\\PowerShellEditorServices.sessions.json -LogPath C:\\tools\\PowerShellEditorServices\\PowerShellEditorServices.log -FeatureFlags @() -AdditionalModules @() -HostName helix -HostProfileId 0 -HostVersion 1.0.0 -Stdio -LogLevel Normal"]
can be installed via npm:
npm install -g @prisma/language-server
An implementation of the language server protocol for SWI-Prolog
Install the swi-prolog
package and run swipl
?- pack_install(lsp_server).
) is a fork of the python-language-server project (pyls
), maintained
by the Spyder IDE team and the community. It is a Python 3.7+ implementation of
Language Server Protocol
(versions <1.4 should still work with Python 3.6).
Installation instructions can be found in the
project's README,
but it consists of installing a package using pip
pip install -U 'python-lsp-server[all]'
The [all]
above refers to the optional providers supported. You can fine-tune
what to install following the instructions
python-lsp/pylsp-mypy (pylsp-mypy
is a Mypy (type checker) plugin for Pylsp. First do the steps in Pylsp section
and then install pylsp-mypy:
pip install pylsp-mypy
name = "python"
language-servers = ["pylsp"]
plugins.pylsp_mypy.enabled = true
plugins.pylsp_mypy.live_mode = true
python-lsp/python-lsp-ruff is a plugin for pylsp that provides support for ruff (see below). See installation instructions.
The plugin supports some configuration, but it should work out of the box after installing.
Pyright is a fast type checker and language server from Microsoft, meant for large Python source bases. It is the LSP part of pylance (the VS Code python daemon).
The language server can be installed by running
npm install --location=global pyright
name = "python"
language-servers = [ "pyright" ]
Basedpyright is a fork of pyright with various type checking improvements, improved vscode support and pylance features built into the language server.
The language server can be installed by running pip install basedpyright
name = "python"
language-servers = [ "basedpyright" ]
charliermarsh/ruff is an extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust (see installation instructions).
An LSP for it is available through
ruff-lsp (see
installation instructions)
or ruff with arg server
. Also check out
ruff docs for integration with helix.
A suggested Helix configuration using ruff as lsp is given below:
command = "ruff-lsp"
name = "python"
language-servers = [ "ruff-lsp" ]
name = "python"
language-servers = [ "ruff" ]
auto-format = true
command = "ruff"
args = ["server"]
Note that ruff lacks basic features and is meant to be used alongside another LSP (helix-editor/helix#5399 (comment), charliermarsh/ruff-lsp#23, charliermarsh/ruff-lsp#23 (comment)).
As an alternative, pylsp has support for ruff via a plugin. See instructions for Helix here
pyright - npm install pyright -g
ruff-lsp - pip install ruff-lsp
ruff - pip install ruff
(ruff-lsp is A
Language Server Protocol
implementation for ruff, you can choose one)
name = "python"
language-servers = [ "pyright", "ruff" ]
typeCheckingMode = "basic"
# if you choose `ruff-lsp`
command = "ruff-lsp"
args = ["--ignore", "E501"]
# if you choose `ruff` itself
command = "ruff"
args = ["server"]
# in languages.toml
name = "python"
language-servers = ["pyright", "ruff", "pylyzer"]
typeCheckingMode = "basic"
command = "ruff"
args = ["server"]
command = "pylyzer"
args = ["--server"]
An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for R.
The language server can be installed by running
R -e 'install.packages("languageserver")'
The Racket language server. This project seeks to use DrRacket's public API to provide functionality that mimics DrRacket's code tools as closely as possible.
Install via raco
: raco pkg install racket-langserver
// ReScript language server.
rust-analyzer, a language server for Rust.
You can install rust-analyzer using rustup
starting from Rust 1.64, and it
will be added to your system's $PATH
starting from Rustup 1.26.0:
rustup component add rust-analyzer
Add the following to your languages.toml
to enable
clippy on save:
command = "clippy"
You may also wish to enable all features, as it will allow you to use rust-analyzer in integration-test
for example.
features = "all"
See docs for extra settings.
Everything under the rust-analyzer key goes under
key in helix (for example,
rust-analyzer.check.command = "clippy"
is translated into the language.toml
as above.)
Scala language server with rich IDE features.
- Install Coursier
- Run
coursier install metals
Steel's language server is available at github.com/mattwparas/crates/steel-language-server.
Recommended installation for LSP + interpreter (link):
git clone [email protected]:mattwparas/steel.git
cd steel
cargo xtask install
Then follow the configuration instructions.
Finally, add the following to your language configuration file:
name = "scheme"
language-servers = ["steel-language-server"]
command = "steel-language-server"
args = []
SCSS's language server is available from the vscode-langservers-extracted collection:
You may install it by running:
npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
cargo install slint-lsp
For Smithy projects the following LSP is used: https://github.com/awslabs/smithy-language-server
coursier must be installed so that the language server can be launched. To install coursier please see their installation instructions. Since coursier will take care of everything else, no other steps are necessary!
Solargraph, a language server for Ruby
You can install Solargraph via gem install.
gem install --user-install solargraph
You can install ruby-lsp via gem install too.
gem install --user-install ruby-lsp
solc is the native language server for the Solidity language.
can be installed via npm
npm i -g svelte-language-server
For integration with .js
and .ts
files install typescript-svelte-plugin
via npm
npm i -g typescript-svelte-plugin
Then for each svelte project update your tsconfig.json
to add
the typescript-svelte-plugin
"compilerOptions": {
"plugins": [{
"name": "typescript-svelte-plugin"
Further information on js
and ts
integration for svelte can be found
A language server for Swift, formatting provided via swift-format
Follow the Getting Started guide to get sourcekit-lsp installed correctly for your OS. No additional configuration is needed, though note to use the same toolchain for both your installed LSP, and that you use to build.
npm i -g sql-language-server
command = "sql-language-server"
args = ["up", "--method", "stdio"]
name = "sql"
language-servers = [ "sql-language-server" ]
- Note: There is also https://github.com/sqls-server/sqls written in Go
can be installed via npm
npm i -g @tailwindcss/language-server
Add this to your local languages.toml
file to enable it
command = "tailwindcss-language-server"
args = ["--stdio"]
name = "html"
language-servers = [ "vscode-html-language-server", "tailwindcss-ls" ]
name = "css"
language-servers = [ "vscode-css-language-server", "tailwindcss-ls" ]
name = "jsx"
language-servers = [ "typescript-language-server", "tailwindcss-ls" ]
name = "tsx"
language-servers = [ "typescript-language-server", "tailwindcss-ls" ]
name = "svelte"
language-servers = [ "svelteserver", "tailwindcss-ls" ]
If you want to use TailwindCSS language server with other languages, configure like example below. The example is with rust.
name = "rust"
language-servers = ["rust-analyzer", "tailwindcss-ls"]
config = { userLanguages = { rust = "html", "*.rs" = "html" } }
You'll need terraform-ls
installed; the instructions are
Add this to your local languages.toml file to enable it
name = "hcl"
language-servers = [ "terraform-ls" ]
language-id = "terraform"
name = "tfvars"
language-servers = [ "terraform-ls" ]
language-id = "terraform-vars"
command = "terraform-ls"
args = ["serve"]
The NPM versions and default builds of taplo does not contain the language server at this time. The
version (with the language server) can be installed with:
cargo install taplo-cli --locked --features lsp
brew install taplo
docker run tamasfe/taplo --help
name = "toml"
formatter = { command = "taplo", args = ["fmt", "-"] }
Run taplo lsp --help
for more info.
depends on typescript
. Both packages can be
installed via npm
npm install -g typescript typescript-language-server
To configure type language server, add a
or jsconfig.json
the root of your project.
Here's an example that disables type checking in JavaScript files.
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"target": "es6",
"checkJs": false
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
Biome is a fast and efficient toolchain for web development that formats and lints code, supporting JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX, and JSON, with over 190 rules and high compatibility with existing tools like Prettier.
npm install --save-dev --save-exact @biomejs/biome
Follow the official instructions on how to configure Biome for Helix.
Version @4.10
is broken for hx
. You can:
- downgrade to
- Await this fix
- Await this feature
- Install the LSP:
# Omitting version will default to major `@latest`!
npm i -g [email protected]
# `npm update -g` will install the latest non-major version,
# only do that after the issue has been fixed!
# Unfortunately, there's no proper way to pin/lock
# global packs
- Add this to your
name = "javascript"
language-servers = [
"typescript-language-server", # optional
name = "typescript"
language-servers = [
See also:
The language server is installed along with the compiler using npm
npm install -g @typespec/compiler
cargo install --git https://github.com/nvarner/typst-lsp typst-lsp
- language: https://www.uiua.org
- lsp: https://github.com/uiua-lang/uiua?tab=readme-ov-file#language-server
- tree-sitter: https://github.com/shnarazk/tree-sitter-uiua
command = "uiua"
args = ["lsp"]
name = "uiua"
scope = "source.uiua"
injection-regex = "uiua"
file-types = ["ua"]
roots = []
auto-format = true
comment-token = "#"
language-servers = [ "uiua-lsp" ]
indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " }
shebangs = ["uiua"]
auto-pairs = {'(' = ')', '{' = '}', '[' = ']', '"' = '"'}
Unison language server.
More info: https://github.com/unisonweb/unison/blob/trunk/docs/language-server.markdown
started -
To ~/.config/helix/languages.toml
append this code:
command = "ncat"
args = ["localhost", "5757"]
name = "unison"
language-servers = [ "ucm" ]
Clone, install and build:
git clone --filter=blob:none --recursive --shallow-submodules https://github.com/vlang/v-analyzer
cd v-analyzer
v build.vsh release
or use the installer, and follow the instructions that it will print:
v -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vlang/v-analyzer/main/install.vsh)"
config path:
set the v-analyzer to environment variable:
The Vue language server vue-language-server
can be installed via npm
npm i -g @vue/language-server
To autoformat your .vue
files upon save, you can first install prettier
npm i -g prettier
And then add this to your languages.toml
file in your Helix configuration
name = "vue"
auto-format = true
formatter = { command = "prettier", args = ["--parser", "vue"] }
language-servers = ["typescript-language-server"]
name = "@vue/typescript-plugin"
location = <path to "node_modules/@vue/language-server/">
languages = ["vue"]
can be installed via cargo
cargo install --git https://github.com/wgsl-analyzer/wgsl-analyzer wgsl_analyzer
wget https://github.com/redhat-developer/vscode-xml/releases/download/0.27.1/lemminx-linux.zip
- Download lemminx-linux.zip
- Extract and copy lemminx-linux binary to location in $PATH
- Install xmllint via package manger yay, dnf, pacman apt-get etc (rpm: dnf install libxml2)
name = "xml"
file-types = [ "xml", "svg", "xsd", "xslt", "xsl" ]
auto-format = true
formatter = { command = "xmllint", args = ["--format", "-"] }
language-servers = [ "xml" ]
command = "lemminx-linux"
can be installed via brew
on Mac:
brew install yaml-language-server
or via npm
npm i -g yaml-language-server@next
Example configuration using json schemas.
format = { enable = true }
validation = true
"https://json.schemastore.org/github-workflow.json" = ".github/workflows/*.{yml,yaml}"
"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible-community/schemas/main/f/ansible-tasks.json" = "roles/{tasks,handlers}/*.{yml,yaml}"
Zig LSP implementation + Zig Language Server.
Non language-specific Language Server Protocols, non-coding LSPs, and others.
Harper is an English grammer and
spelling checker for comments and text.
cargo install harper-ls --locked
Harper will need to be manually added to each language you'd like check's
language server list.
command = "harper-ls"
args = ["--stdio"]
Disabling specific rules.
spaces = false
Change the default diagnosticSeverity
from hint to warning:
diagnosticSeverity = "warning"
Vale is a markup-aware linter for prose built with speed and extensibility in mind.
Tool | Extensible | Checks | Supports Markup | Built With | License |
Vale | Yes (via YAML) | spelling, style | Yes (Markdown, AsciiDoc, reStructuredText, HTML, XML, Org) | Go | MIT |
The Vale Language Server is an implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Vale.
Vale supports linting source code comments in a number of languages
You must install both vale
and vale-ls
into your $PATH
and add it to each
language you wish to lint, for example:
Since https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/pull/11636/ you only need to add:
name = "html"
language-servers = [ "vscode-html-language-server", "vale-ls" ]
Before that PR:
command = "vale-ls"
name = "html"
language-servers = [ "vscode-html-language-server", "vale-ls" ]