Flawless command line deployment of Node.js apps to the cloud
Jitsu is a Command Line Tool (CLI) for managing and deploying Node.js applications. It's open-source and easy to use. We've designed jitsu
to be suitable for command line beginners, but still be powerful and extensible enough for production usage.
requires npm
, the node package manager.
[sudo] curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh
[sudo] npm install jitsu -g
is built on some amazing technologies which we've been actively building with the community since 2009. jitsu
is fully extendable and extremely modular ( see Libaries section ).
- Allows for seamless deployment of your Node.js applications to the cloud
- Ships with use-full boilerplates and sample applications through Node Apps project integration
- Fully supports
dependency resolution on deployment to Nodejitsu - Full support of Nodejitu's API ( a plethora of node.js goodies )
- Integrated multi-level multi-transport logging support via Winston
- Too many to list... seek further knowledge or just try it out!
( inside an empty directory )
jitsu install
( inside the path of your Node.js application )
jitsu deploy
This will create a new application, package.json, and deploy your path to Nodejitsu. If it's your first deployment, you'll be prompted for some information such as subdomain and start script but it's really easy and we promise it will only take a few seconds.
If you have any issues deploying your node.js application please feel free to open up an issue on the Github Issues section of this page, we'll have someone get back to you in a flash!
is mostly self documenting. After installation, run the jitsu
command from your command line.
If it's your first time using jitsu
, you will be prompted to login with an existing account or create a new account.
is mostly self-documenting. Try any of these commands to get started.
jitsu <resource> <action> <param1> <param2> ...
Common Commands:
To install a pre-built application
jitsu install
To sign up for Nodejitsu
jitsu signup
To log into Nodejitsu
jitsu login
Deploys current path to Nodejitsu
jitsu deploy
Creates a new application on Nodejitsu
jitsu create
Lists all applications for the current user
jitsu list
Additional Commands
jitsu apps
jitsu snapshots
jitsu users
jitsu logs
jitsu databases
jitsu conf
jitsu logout
is mostly self documenting. We suggest just trying it out. All commands will yield friendly messages if you specify incorrect parameters. If you find anything difficult to use, please open up a Github issue or pull request!
jitsu help
jitsu help apps
jitsu help snapshots
jitsu help users
jitsu help logs
jitsu help databases
jitsu help config
All configuration data for your local jitsu
install is located in the .jitsuconf file in your home directory. Directly modifying this file is not really advised. You should be able to make all configuration changes via:
jitsu config
If you need to have multiple configuration files, use --localconf or --jitsuconf options.
##jitsu options
jitsu [commands] [options]
--version print jitsu version and exit
--localconf search for .jitsuconf file in ./ and then parent directories
--jitsuconf [file] specify file to load configuration from
--noanalyze skip require-analyzer: do not attempt to dynamicially detect dependencies
##jitsu behind proxy
If you are behind a proxy and you haven't configured jitsu to use it, jitsu
will throw an error, Jitsu requires you to connect to Nodejitsu's stack (api.nodejitsu.com)
In order to solve this issue, you can configure jitsu to use a proxy by executing the following command.
jitsu config set proxy http://proxy.domain.com:3128/
If you need to authenticate yourselves to the proxy, you can try this command.
jitsu config set proxy http://user:[email protected]:3128/
is built on a few well developed, well maintained Node.js libraries. The Nodejitsu team and friends have been building and using these projects actively for the past two years. They are the most used Node libraries (see: http://search.npmjs.org/) and are actively maintained by Nodejitsu and other core members of the Node.js community. Each library serves a specific function and we highly suggest you check each one out individually if you wish to increase your knowledge of Node.js
- npm - Node Package Manager
- colors - Terminal Colors module
- optimist - CLI Options Parsing
- request - http request module
- async - Asynchronous Iteration
- vows - Asynchronous BDD testing library
- winston - Multi-transport logging library
The documentation for jitsu
and the Nodejitsu APIs is open-source and a work in-progress. For more information checkout the Nodejitsu Handbook