This is a Ruby on Rails app, which is deployed on Heroku via The app is the main website for the Health 2.0 organization (San Francisco chapter).
Ruby 2.2.4, Rails 4.2.4, Sqlite3 for dev, Postgres for production, and WEBrick server.
- $ bundle install
- You should create and migrate databases if this is freshly cloned
- $ rails s
- Open up localhost:3000
Run bundle exec rake test to run the test suite.
Fork repo, clone locally, create a branch, and create your feature/bug fix/etc. Commit early, commit often. Write tests. Make your tests pass as well as the existing suite. Push your branch (NOT MASTER!) to Github. Submit a pull request with a description of your code. Once it is peer-reviewed, it will be merged by the peer-reviewer. Keep your fork updated before, during, and after your merge.
Once the PR is merged, the admin will deploy to Heroku.