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Ubuntu based Docker container for HDF4 CF Conversion Toolkit

The Docker file Dockerfile sources an Apt package file named apt.txt, which lists the Apt packages required to build the image.

Build the image with

docker build -f Dockerfile \
[--build-arg HDF4_VER=<HDF4 lib. version string, default 4.2.13>] \
[--build-arg HDFEOS_VER=<HDFEOS lib. version string, default 2.19v1.00>] \
[--build-arg HDF5_VER=<HDF5 lib. version string, default 5-1.8.19>] \
[--build-arg NETCDF_C_VER=<NetCDF C lib. version string, default>] \
[--build-arg H4CF_VER=<H4CF conversion toolkit version string, default 1.2>]
-t <image name> .

The build arguments HDF4_VER, HDFEOS_VER, HDF5_VER, NETCDF_C_VER, H4CF_VER are optional - default versions are used within the Docker file, as indicated above.

Run the image in a detached container with

docker run --name <container name> -itd <image name>

Enter the container in a Bash shell with

docker exec -it <container name> bash