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PollBuddy/PollBuddy Public archivePoll Buddy is an interactive questionnaire platform that aims to be an enjoyable and easy to use way to collect answers and insights from a group of people.
DoorSystem PublicCode to make a "smart" door locking system that you can use to unlock your door with your phone, as well as see the current weather conditions.
JavaScript 1
WaterMonitoringSystem PublicA custom solution to monitor water consumption and well pump output. Output water usage data to an InfluxDB database and displayed using Grafana.
Aperturama/Aperturama-Frontend PublicA Flutter app that helps you back up and sync your media to a server under your control.
Dart 1
Radiance-Platform/RadiancePlatform PublicA simple text-based game framework built in Rust that loads and runs games defined using yaml configuration files.
SmartThermostat PublicA flexible and modular smart thermostat system, written in Node.js and Angular
JavaScript 1
703 contributions in the last year
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