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feat(provider-generator): Skip definition attribute for aws_quicksigh…
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…t_analysis.definition data source (#3725)

      - **feat(provider-generator): Skip definition attribute for
aws_quicksight_analysis.definition data source as it produces too long
names for Java to compile**
- **chore(docs): Document skipped data source**
- **chore(tests): Add test for skipping attribute type attributes**
  • Loading branch information
ansgarm authored Sep 9, 2024
1 parent 050ce84 commit 5551161
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@@ -1,6 +1,331 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1,

exports[`skips attributes in the disallow list: quicksight-template 1`] = `
exports[`skips attribute type attributes in the disallow list: data-quicksight-analysis 1`] = `
// generated from terraform resource schema
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import * as cdktf from 'cdktf';
// Configuration
export interface DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisConfig extends cdktf.TerraformMetaArguments {
* Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis#analysis_id}
readonly analysisId: string;
* Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis#aws_account_id}
readonly awsAccountId?: string;
* Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis#id}
* Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2.
* If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable.
readonly id?: string;
* Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis#tags}
readonly tags?: { [key: string]: string };
export interface DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissions {
export function dataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsToTerraform(struct?: DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissions): any {
if (!cdktf.canInspect(struct) || cdktf.Tokenization.isResolvable(struct)) { return struct; }
if (cdktf.isComplexElement(struct)) {
throw new Error("A complex element was used as configuration, this is not supported:");
return {
export function dataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsToHclTerraform(struct?: DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissions): any {
if (!cdktf.canInspect(struct) || cdktf.Tokenization.isResolvable(struct)) { return struct; }
if (cdktf.isComplexElement(struct)) {
throw new Error("A complex element was used as configuration, this is not supported:");
const attrs = {
return attrs;
export class DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsOutputReference extends cdktf.ComplexObject {
private isEmptyObject = false;
* @param terraformResource The parent resource
* @param terraformAttribute The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing
* @param complexObjectIndex the index of this item in the list
* @param complexObjectIsFromSet whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index)
public constructor(terraformResource: cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute: string, complexObjectIndex: number, complexObjectIsFromSet: boolean) {
super(terraformResource, terraformAttribute, complexObjectIsFromSet, complexObjectIndex);
public get internalValue(): DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissions | undefined {
let hasAnyValues = this.isEmptyObject;
const internalValueResult: any = {};
return hasAnyValues ? internalValueResult : undefined;
public set internalValue(value: DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissions | undefined) {
if (value === undefined) {
this.isEmptyObject = false;
else {
this.isEmptyObject = Object.keys(value).length === 0;
// actions - computed: true, optional: false, required: false
public get actions() {
return cdktf.Fn.tolist(this.getListAttribute('actions'));
// principal - computed: true, optional: false, required: false
public get principal() {
return this.getStringAttribute('principal');
export class DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsList extends cdktf.ComplexList {
* @param terraformResource The parent resource
* @param terraformAttribute The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing
* @param wrapsSet whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index)
constructor(protected terraformResource: cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, protected terraformAttribute: string, protected wrapsSet: boolean) {
super(terraformResource, terraformAttribute, wrapsSet)
* @param index the index of the item to return
public get(index: number): DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsOutputReference {
return new DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsOutputReference(this.terraformResource, this.terraformAttribute, index, this.wrapsSet);
* Represents a {@link aws_quicksight_analysis}
export class DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource {
// =================
// =================
public static readonly tfResourceType = "aws_quicksight_analysis";
// ==============
// STATIC Methods
// ==============
* Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis resource upon running "cdktf plan <stack-name>"
* @param scope The scope in which to define this construct
* @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis to import
* @param importFromId The id of the existing DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis that should be imported. Refer to the {@link import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use
* @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis to import is found
public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) {
return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "aws_quicksight_analysis", importId: importFromId, provider });
// ===========
// ===========
* Create a new {@link aws_quicksight_analysis} Data Source
* @param scope The scope in which to define this construct
* @param id The scoped construct ID. Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope
* @param options DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisConfig
public constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, config: DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisConfig) {
super(scope, id, {
terraformResourceType: 'aws_quicksight_analysis',
terraformGeneratorMetadata: {
providerName: 'aws'
provider: config.provider,
dependsOn: config.dependsOn,
count: config.count,
lifecycle: config.lifecycle,
provisioners: config.provisioners,
connection: config.connection,
forEach: config.forEach
this._analysisId = config.analysisId;
this._awsAccountId = config.awsAccountId;
this._id =;
this._tags = config.tags;
// ==========
// ==========
// analysis_id - computed: false, optional: false, required: true
private _analysisId?: string;
public get analysisId() {
return this.getStringAttribute('analysis_id');
public set analysisId(value: string) {
this._analysisId = value;
// Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution.
public get analysisIdInput() {
return this._analysisId;
// arn - computed: true, optional: false, required: false
public get arn() {
return this.getStringAttribute('arn');
// aws_account_id - computed: true, optional: true, required: false
private _awsAccountId?: string;
public get awsAccountId() {
return this.getStringAttribute('aws_account_id');
public set awsAccountId(value: string) {
this._awsAccountId = value;
public resetAwsAccountId() {
this._awsAccountId = undefined;
// Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution.
public get awsAccountIdInput() {
return this._awsAccountId;
// created_time - computed: true, optional: false, required: false
public get createdTime() {
return this.getStringAttribute('created_time');
// definition - computed: true, optional: false, required: false
public get definition() {
return this.interpolationForAttribute('definition');
// id - computed: true, optional: true, required: false
private _id?: string;
public get id() {
return this.getStringAttribute('id');
public set id(value: string) {
this._id = value;
public resetId() {
this._id = undefined;
// Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution.
public get idInput() {
return this._id;
// last_published_time - computed: true, optional: false, required: false
public get lastPublishedTime() {
return this.getStringAttribute('last_published_time');
// last_updated_time - computed: true, optional: false, required: false
public get lastUpdatedTime() {
return this.getStringAttribute('last_updated_time');
// name - computed: true, optional: false, required: false
public get name() {
return this.getStringAttribute('name');
// permissions - computed: true, optional: false, required: false
private _permissions = new DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsList(this, "permissions", false);
public get permissions() {
return this._permissions;
// status - computed: true, optional: false, required: false
public get status() {
return this.getStringAttribute('status');
// tags - computed: true, optional: true, required: false
private _tags?: { [key: string]: string };
public get tags() {
return this.getStringMapAttribute('tags');
public set tags(value: { [key: string]: string }) {
this._tags = value;
public resetTags() {
this._tags = undefined;
// Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution.
public get tagsInput() {
return this._tags;
// theme_arn - computed: true, optional: false, required: false
public get themeArn() {
return this.getStringAttribute('theme_arn');
// =========
// =========
protected synthesizeAttributes(): { [name: string]: any } {
return {
analysis_id: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._analysisId),
aws_account_id: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._awsAccountId),
id: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._id),
tags: cdktf.hashMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform)(this._tags),
protected synthesizeHclAttributes(): { [name: string]: any } {
const attrs = {
analysis_id: {
value: cdktf.stringToHclTerraform(this._analysisId),
isBlock: false,
type: "simple",
storageClassType: "string",
aws_account_id: {
value: cdktf.stringToHclTerraform(this._awsAccountId),
isBlock: false,
type: "simple",
storageClassType: "string",
id: {
value: cdktf.stringToHclTerraform(this._id),
isBlock: false,
type: "simple",
storageClassType: "string",
tags: {
value: cdktf.hashMapperHcl(cdktf.stringToHclTerraform)(this._tags),
isBlock: false,
type: "map",
storageClassType: "stringMap",
// remove undefined attributes
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(attrs).filter(([_, value]) => value !== undefined && value.value !== undefined ))
exports[`skips block type attributes in the disallow list: quicksight-template 1`] = `
// generated from terraform resource schema
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