A awesome android expert interview questions and answers
It took more than six months to draw a comprehensive and detailed set of Android interview questions from more than a dozen top-level interview warehouses and more than 200 high-quality interviews.
Interviews have always been a hot topic of great concern. Awesome-Android-Interview has collected the most frequently used interview questions from domestic first- and second-tier Internet companies. It is very comprehensive. I have spent a lot of energy and time, I hope to get everyone's. stand by. The problems often involved in Android interviews are as follows:
1, computer basics: TCP / IP, HTTP / HTTPS, Socket, database, operating system related and so on.
2, Java based: reflection, generic, collection class library and so on.
3, Java concurrency: thread / thread pool, volatile, pessimistic lock / optimistic lock and so on.
4, Jvm virtual machine: such as the execution process, JMM model, Java Gc recycling principle, class loader and so on.
5, data structure and algorithm: LeetCode + sword refers to Offer.
6, Android basics: startup mode, animation, custom View and more.
7, Android advanced: interprocess communication, Binder, AIDL, AMS / WMS, event distribution, sliding conflicts, View drawing process, performance optimization, important Android source code and open source library analysis.
8, Android high-tech: modular, plug-in, component, hot update implementation principles and so on.
- Finally, if you have other development methods or languages, you will add a lot. Such as Kotlin, Python, ReactNative, Flutter, front-end development and so on.
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