Ever since my freshman year I always thought building a calculator would be a fun challange (and something I could expand to be a specific calculator such as a physics calculator) so in this repository, I will build a calculator using HTML, CSS and Java Script while following the general outline set by The Odin Project.
Link: Hama's Super Awesome Calculator
- State logic and how important thinking about code structure is before starting a project
- How to think about edge cases and expect and prevent bugs before they occur
- More practical applications of CSS styling and functional layouts
- Color choice and how following a pre-determined pallette of colors ensures a good looking app
- How to plan future additions to existing code
I plan to add onto this project in the future (when classes are not taking so much of my time) and currently plan on adding tabs for mission specific calculators. Think of a physics calculator (with the common physics equations readily available), or a sorting run time/ mathamatical representation calculator, or a boolean algebra calculator ect. This was actually fun to do and I am aware of at least 1 bug that is unlikely to occur but something I am excited to tackle at a later date (famous engineer words?).