- To create a web based redcode parser and Memory Array Redcode Simulator (MARS)
- Use node.js to reuse client code on the server. A client side runtime allows for users to test their warriors, and server side runtime to run verified competitons.
- Use the Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE) formerly known as bespin.
- Use canvas to create live (but replayable) visualization
- Allow advanced debugging and provide easy to understand error messages
- Provide ELO rankings for warriers and/or coders.
- Provide platform for coders to discuss their core war related activities and communicate with other community members.
- Provide easy access to core war tutorials and references
- Provide introductory core war walk through
- Literate programming
- Extensive Unit Testing
- Continuous integration and staging server allowing full access to all contributers
- Node.js
- Jison (JS parser generator inspired by bison)
- Express (Node.js web framework)
- Mongoose (ORM)
- Jade (Node.js template engine)
- Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE) formerly known as bespin.
- docco.coffee (Literate code documentation generator)
- QUnit, Node-QUnit and TestSwarm (Unit testing and continuous integration)