A weather app that utilizes multiple data sources. It uses OpenWeather API and Colorful Clouds API. This project is highly inspired by Flutter Weather Tutorial.
It uses Flutter framework, and uses BLoC pattern to implement state management.
- OpenWeather API
- Update: This app will use One Call API 3.0, so a subscription API is required. Check official document here.
- Colorful Clouds API
- Nominatim from OSM data
- earth.nullschool.net
Follow Project Readme.
Mainly used Flutter packages:
- flutter_dotenv to store configurations
- shared_preferences to store app settings
- flutter_bloc for state management
- charts_flutter to render charts
- flutter_settings_screens for setting page
- webview_flutter to embed wind map
- flutter_local_notifications to send weather alert notification
- geolocator to get current location
- workmanager for background fetch
Weather Glyph Font:
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
About OSM Data:
Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright