The source code for the website at
The current content is completely static although some interactive features are provided by JavaScript and social plugins.
The website is automatically published with each commit to the master branch by GitHub Pages.
The domain is configured to point to the GitHub Pages server. The GitHub Pages server can also be accessed at but is configured via the CNAME file to redirect to
Unless you’re fixing a typo or an obvious bug it’s best to discuss changes with other contributors before working on them. The best place to discuss changes is on the Hack the Future Volunteers Google Group. (Alternatively you could create a GitHub Issue for the proposed changes.)
The preferred process for making contributions is the following:
Fork this Repo
Use Git to make a clone of your fork
Make and test your changes on your local system
Commit and push your changes to your fork
Submit a pull request
The GitHub Fork a Repo help page has the details of how to do this.
To test the website or your changes locally, you’ll probably want to use a local HTTP server because the site uses directory links, e.g. /next/ which is resolved to /next/index.html by the GitHub server. Your local server will need to do the same thing.
Using a local HTTP server should also help with some of the social media plugins.
This README is in AsciiDoctor format. It’s easy to get started using the Syntax Quick Reference. There is built-in support from GitHub, the Asciidoctor.js Live Preview for Chrome, a Firefox Extension and other tools available.