This is a toy implementation of a simple file format used for ASCII art.
The repository contains 2 applications, 1 ASCII Art generator and 1 ASCII Art viewer.
The file format (.aart) is built as follows.
Offset | Size | Description |
0 | 4 Bytes | The character sequence „aart“ to specify valid header files |
4 | 1 | Number of rows |
8 | 1 | Number of columns |
12 | n Bytes | Rows * Columns of encoded ASCII payload data |
This tool uses the "stb_image.h" header to create the ASCII art of any given image. The tool supports scaling of the ASCII art to allow for small/large ASCII art. The generator encodes the payload of the ASCII art by only toggling all bits of a byte, when the "#" is hit.
Currently, the character used for the ASCII art is the "#" character.
There are plans to update the file type to support other characters, too.
This tool is used to view the generated ASCII art. It reads a given .aart file and decodes the payload to view the embedded ASCII art.
Check out the repo:
git clone [email protected]:hackmac89/ascii_art_suite.git
Use the given Makefile in the projects root directory, to compile the suite by typing:
See make help
for the remaining Makefile targets (Docker building etc.)
make - Builds both ASCII art generator and viewer
make clean - Removes compiled files
make -C generator - Builds only the generator
make -C viewer - Builds only the viewer
make docker-build-generator - Builds the docker image for the ASCII art generator
make docker-build-viewer - Builds the docker image for the ASCII art viewer
make valgrind - Runs valgrind on the generator and viewer applications
make help - Shows this message
Here, we just use an arbitrary example image and convert it into an aart file, display its hex contents and display it back in the ASCII art viewer application.
Why using a submodule to include the external "stb_image.h" header, instead of using cURL/wget when building?
I did not want to check in the several thousand line long header file and I always wanted to use a submodule in one of my repos, so why not? Furthermore, I only pull the versioned "stb_image.h" version instead of pulling the whole STB library.
- Add a separate PR workflow with a valgrind check and create a pr comment if these checks fail
Finalize valgrind integration
- Add header bitfield used for flags for future updates, e.g. flags for additional options (checksums, additional ASCII mapping etc. pp.)