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Scripts and configuration steps for setting up a Raspberry Pi to recurringly scrape news from sources such as The Economist into EPUB files, and to sync the EPUBs to a Dropbox directory.

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Raspberry Pi News Fetcher

Bash scripts and steps for configuring a Raspberry Pi to:

  • scrape news into EPUBs using Calibre's ebook-convert command,
  • sync EPUBs to a Dropbox folder via rclone,
  • perform housekeeping tasks such as deleting EPUBs older than --max-num-days,
  • configuring the above steps to run recurringly as cron jobs.

The set-up should work on any Unix/Linux machine supporting cron jobs, rclone and a decently recent version of Calibre.

By having the same Dropbox folder configured on an e-reader device (in my case a Kobo Libra H2O), scraped news are automatically synced directly to your hands and eyes.

1. Requirements

Decently recent versions of:

  • Calibre,
  • rclone,
  • Bash.

My 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 Model B has the following specs and package versions:

$ uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 6.6.31+rpt-rpi-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.6.31-1+rpt1 (2024-05-29) aarch64 GNU/Linux
$ calibre --version
calibre (calibre 6.13)
$ rclone --version
rclone v1.68.0
- os/version: raspbian 12.7 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 6.6.31+rpt-rpi-v8 (aarch64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: arm64 (ARMv8 compatible)
- go/version: go1.23.1
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none
$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 5.2.15(1)-release (aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu)

1.1 Calibre Set-Up

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install calibre

1.2 rclone Set-Up

rclone was installed and configured using the steps outlined in Note that rclone should be configured to sync bidirectionally to ensure that the deletion of old files from the local Dropbox folder is mirrored on the remote.

1.3 Ensure Scripts Are Executable

chmod u+x scripts/*.sh

2. Structure

├── SOURCES                   # A line-by-line text file of news sources to scrape.
├──           # Guide on configuring `rclone` to sync a local directory with a remote Dropbox folder.
├── recipes                   # If you wish to use local Calibre `.recipe` files, they should be put here.
└── scripts
    ├──         # A script that uses Calibre's `ebook-convert` command to scrape news into EPUBs.
    ├──     # A script that copies EPUBs from one directory to another, and deletes EPUBs older than `--max-num-days`.
    └──  # A script that uses `rclone` to sync a local directory with a remote Dropbox folder.

The ./scripts/ checks whether a recipe exists locally. If that is the case, the local recipe takes precedence over Calibre's built-in recipe. If a source specified in the SOURCES file exists neither as a local recipe in the ./recipes directory nor among Calibre's built-in recipes, the ./scripts/ script skips that source. Refer to the Calibre GitHub repo for a list of available scraping recipes. You can also write your own Calibre news recipe.

3. Example Crontab

# Run the Calibre news scraping every Friday at 09:00.
0 9 * * 5 /PATH/TO/REPO/ --sources-file /PATH/TO/REPO/SOURCES --output-dir /PATH/TO/FETCHED-NEWS >> /PATH/TO/REPO/logs/fetch_news.out 2>&1
# Run the housekeeping every 30 minutes.
*/30 * * * * /PATH/TO/REPO/scripts/ --sources-file /PATH/TO/REPO/SOURCES --from-dir /PATH/TO/FETCHED-NEWS --target-dir /PATH/TO/LOCAL_DROPBOX_DIR --max-num-days 6 >> /PATH/TO/REPO/logs/housekeep_news.out 2>&1
# Run the `rclone` syncing every 30 minutes.
*/30 * * * * /PATH/TO/REPO/scripts/ --local-dropbox-dir /PATH/TO/LOCAL_DROPBOX_DIR --remote-name "REMOTE_NAME" --remote-dropbox-dir "REMOTE_DIR" >> /PATH/TO/REPO/logs/run_rclone_bisync.out 2>&1

4. Programmatically Sending Scraped News EPUBs as Email Attachments

See the "News Emailer" repo for a guide on setting up Mutt to programmatically (and recurringly, if need be) send files as attachments.

5. Scheduling the Scraping Using a Kubernetes (K8s) CronJob

In the past, I was unable to install Calibre directly on my Raspberry Pi due to it being incompatible with newer versions of Calibre. For this reason, I set up a K3s cluster on my Raspberry Pi, built a container image with Calibre installed, and configured a K8s CronJob to run the Calibre-based news-scraping workload. See the k8s-cronjob branch for more info.


Scripts and configuration steps for setting up a Raspberry Pi to recurringly scrape news from sources such as The Economist into EPUB files, and to sync the EPUBs to a Dropbox directory.






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