The purpose of this script is to update access lists on a Nexus switch based on resolved IPs of a domain. The code utilizes Nexus on-box Python to run directly from the device & modify it's own configuration.
This script will:
- Resolve current addresses for a specified FQDN
- Query current access list entries
- Compare each to determine if IPs need to be added / removed
- Apply ACL changes
- Notify changes via syslog
- Matt Schmitz ([email protected])
- Cisco Nexus 9000v (Tested on NX-OS 10.3(1) with Python 3.7.10)
Note: This code requires an NX-OS software release that is capable of using Python 3
git clone
In order to use this script, some configuration is required. Within the script header, there is a section of variables to configure.
IPV4_ACL = "example_acl_v4"
IPV6_ACL = "example_acl_v6"
FQDN = ["", ""]
PROTO = "ip"
SOURCE = "any"
DPORT = None
- IPV4_ACL - Name of IPv4 ACL for script to manage. Leave blank if only using IPv6
- IPV6_ACL - Name of IPv6 ACL for script to manage. Leave blank if only using IPv4
- FQDN - List of fully-qualified domain name(s) to monitor. At least one is required, but multiple may be specified
- PROTO - IP protocol for new ACL entries. Example:
, orudp
- SOURCE - Specify source address or network for ACL entries
- DPORT - Optional destination port to allow. Leave at
if port should beany
if an explicit default deny rule is desired. This will tell the script to remove/re-apply the deny, to ensure other rules are placed before the deny.
After configuration, copy the
file to the remote Nexus device bootflash. This can be accomplished via the standard methods: TFTP, HTTP, FTP, SCP, etc
The script relies on the Nexus configuration for syslog. Any messages sent via the script will be forwarded to the local Nexus syslog process. These syslog messages will be available in the standard device logs, viewable via the show logging
If alerts need to be received by a remote syslog host, please ensure that one is configured on the switch.
nx(config)# logging server
The script relies on the Nexus configuration for DNS. Any DNS lookups through the script are processed by whichever DNS servers are configured on the local Nexus device.
Without DNS configuration on the Nexus switch, this script will fail to resolve domains.
nx(config)# ip domain-lookup
nx(config)# ip name-server
nx(config)# ! Optionally set source interface for DNS queries
nx(config)# ip dns source-interface mgmt0
To test the script, you may wish to execute it manually. Once the script is copied to the device, it can be run with the following command:
nx# python3 bootflash:/
This will output the script logs directly to the Nexus terminal, which can be helpful for troubleshooting.
Using the built-in Nexus task scheduler, we can allow the script to execute on regular intervals. This will define how frequently the script will attempt to resolve the specified FQDN and make ACL adjustments.
First, enable the scheduler feature:
nx(config)# feature scheduler
Then, create a job to run the script:
nx(config)# scheduler job name job_update_acl
nx(config-job)# python3 bootflash:/
Finally, create a schedule to execute the script on the desired interval:
nx(config)# scheduler schedule name schedule_update_acl
nx(config-schedule)# job name job_update_acl
nx(config-schedule)# time start now repeat 0:0:5
For example, the above schedule begins immediately & executes the Python script every 5 minutes.
Upon any ACL changes, syslog messages will be generated like the example shown below:
2024 Apr 1 17:04:47 nexus-lab %USER-3-SYSTEM_MSG: IPv4 ACL: example_acl_v4, FQDN:, ADD: ['', ''], REMOVE: [''] - /
2024 Apr 1 17:04:47 nexus-lab %USER-3-SYSTEM_MSG: IPv6 ACL: example_acl_v6, FQDN:, ADD: ['2001:DB8::113/128', '2001:DB8::1234/128'], REMOVE: [] - /
To check the configured tasks & see last execution status, use show scheduler
nx(config)# show scheduler schedule
Schedule Name : schedule_update_acl
User Name : admin
Schedule Type : Run every 0 Days 0 Hrs 5 Mins
Start Time : Mon Nov 13 16:53:45 2023
Last Execution Time : Mon Nov 13 17:39:45 2023
Last Completion Time: Mon Nov 13 17:39:46 2023
Execution count : 47
Job Name Last Execution Status
job_update_acl Success (0)
If the Last Execution Status
above shows an error, check the script logs with show scheduler logfile
. The below example demonstates a successful execution:
nx(config)# show scheduler logfile
Job Name : job_update_acl Job Status: Success (0)
Schedule Name : schedule_update_acl User Name : admin
Completion time: Mon Nov 13 17:42:46 2023
--------------------------------- Job Output ---------------------------------
`python3 bootflash:/`
FQDN Update script started
Resolving FQDN:
Done. FQDN resolved to 2 addresses.
Getting current IPv4 ACL entries...
Comparing resolved addresses with ACL entries...
For IPv4 ACL: Resolved 1, Current 2, Add 1, Remove 2.
Updating IPv4 ACL...
IP access list example_acl_v4
10 permit ip any
20 permit ip any
30 deny ip any any
Done! IPv4 ACL Updated - Added 1, Removed 2
Getting current IPv6 ACL entries...
Comparing resolved addresses with ACL entries...
For IPv6 ACL: Resolved 1, Current 2, Add 1, Remove 2.
Updating IPv6 ACL...
IPv6 access list example_acl_v6
10 permit ipv6 any 2001:DB8::113/128
20 permit ipv6 any 2001:DB8::1234/128
30 deny ipv6 any any
Done! IPv6 ACL Updated - Added 1, Removed 2
Sending syslog messages to notify ACL changes...
Done. Syslog messages sent.
FQDN Update script finished
Provided under Cisco Sample Code License, for details see LICENSE
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Please note: This script is meant for demo purposes only. All tools/ scripts in this repo are released for use "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to their installation, use, or performance. Any use of these scripts and tools is at your own risk. There is no guarantee that they have been through thorough testing in a comparable environment and we are not responsible for any damage or data loss incurred with their use. You are responsible for reviewing and testing any scripts you run thoroughly before use in any non-testing environment.