Run an Android phone permanently connected to its charger to allow 24/7 operation.
There are scenarios requiring to run the phone permanently w/o interruption and no further user interaction like taking care about phone charging. But running an Android phone 24/7 might become tricky for several reasons:
- permanently connecting the phone to a charger might be risky
- the phone's internal charging logic is not always reliable
- replacing the battery with a static power supply might not work at all
The solution provided here requires a WiFi / http controllable power socket, like
Tasmota power sockets as listed here:
Material costs are approx. 15,- Euro.
The Android phone is permanently connected to a compatible charger via the Tasmota WiFi switchable socket. Tasmota devices are controlled inside the local WiFi network, no internet connection is needed.
The class BatteryChargeControl implements:
- a phone battery monitor
- Tasmota http calls to control the WiFi switch
The most important input parameter is the local IP address of the Tasmota socket device.
The phone's battery is charged, if the battery SOC is lower than 20%. That means, the battery monitor will switch the WiFi socket to power on.
As soon as the battery monitor detects a higher SOC as 80%, the WiFi socket is switched to power off.
The solution was only tested with a "NOUS A1T" device, but compatible devices shall work w/o code modifications too.