Ruby gem for communicating with the GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud API
A gem of groupdocs_viewer_cloud is available at You can install it with:
gem install groupdocs_viewer_cloud
To add dependency to your app copy following into your Gemfile and run bundle install
gem "groupdocs_viewer_cloud", "~> 24.12"
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'groupdocs_viewer_cloud'
# Get your app_sid and app_key at (free registration is required).
# Create instance of the API class
api = GroupDocsViewerCloud::InfoApi.from_keys(app_sid, app_key)
# Retrieve supported file-formats
response = api.get_supported_file_formats
# Print out supported file-formats
puts("Supported file-formats:")
response.formats.each do |format|
puts("#{format.file_format} (#{format.extension})")
GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud Ruby SDK licensed under MIT License.
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