GroupDocs.Annotation for Java is a Document Annotation API that supports over 13 different annotation types for over 50 document formats with full control over annotation's appearance.
Directory | Description |
Demos | GroupDocs.Annotation for Java Dropwizard and Spring Demo projects. |
Examples | Java examples and sample documents for you to get started quickly. |
- Add, extract, update or remove annotations.
- Import existing annotations from documents.
- Add or remove comments.
- Export annotated documents.
- Generate document previews & thumbnails.
- Load password-protected documents.
- Save annotated pages or pages by range.
Graphic Annotation: Area, Arrow, Distance, Ellipse, Point, Polyline, Resource Redaction, TextField
Text Annotation: Highlight, Link, Replacement, Strikeout, Reduction, Underline
Watermark: Diagonal, Horizontal
GroupDocs.Annotation for Java requires J2SE 8.0 (1.8) or above. Please install Java first if you do not have it already.
GroupDocs hosts all Java APIs on GroupDocs Artifact Repository, so simply configure your Maven project to fetch the dependencies automatically.
try(final Annotator annotator = new Annotator(Constants.INPUT_DOC)){
String outputPath = Constants.getOutputFilePath("MinimalAnnotation", FilenameUtils.getExtension(Constants.INPUT_DOC));
final ArrowAnnotation arrowAnnotation = new ArrowAnnotation();
arrowAnnotation.setBox(new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200));
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