This project is a server with real-time bidirectional event-based communication, used by Grounds to execute arbitry code within various languages inside Docker containers.
grounds-exec support many languages and make it really trivial to add support for other languages.
All you need is Docker 1.3+, Docker Compose 1.1+ and make to run this project inside Docker containers with the same environment as in production.
This project is language agnostic, the only mandatory thing is to have Docker images following the format described in this repository.
Checkout this documentation to get more informations about how to add support for a new language stack.
grounds-exec is using This adds the ability to run arbitrary code in real-time from a web browser.
Each run
is executed inside a Docker container, which is destroyed at the end
of the run
A container automatically timeouts 10 seconds after the beginning of a run
If a run
request is sent from the same client when a previous run
request is
already running, this previous request will be gracefully interrupted.
git clone
cd grounds-exec
Official Grounds language stack images are available on the Docker hub Grounds organization.
e.g. To pull latest Ruby image:
docker pull grounds/exec-ruby:latest
tag on the Docker hub matches the master branch of grounds-images.
By default, the code runner will use your Docker host configuration to creates containers.
If you want to use a different Docker host to creates code runners inside
containers you can also specify DOCKER_HOST_RUNNERS
Language stack images must be available on this host.
If you want to use SSL for both Docker hosts, they must share the same ssl certificates.
make run
You can also run the server in the background:
make detach
If the server is already running:
make re
If you want New Relic metrics you can also specify:
e.g. NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY="<you license key>" NEWRELIC_APP_NAME="grounds-exec" make run
If you want the server to look for custom Docker images, you can specify in your env:
: Image tag (default: latest).REPOSITORY
: Image repository (default: grounds).
and TAG
can be changed for convenience, however we strongly
recommend to use our official images with the latest tag incremental version.
You need to use a client to connect with this server.
var client = io.connect('http:<docker host ip>:8080');
client.on('connect', function(data) {
client.on('run', function(data){
client.emit('run', { language: 'python2', code: 'print 42' });
{ stream: 'stream', chunk: 'chunk' }
Typical response:
{ stream: 'start', chunk: '' } { stream: 'stdout', chunk: '42\n' } { stream: 'stderr', chunk: 'Error!\n' } { stream: 'status', chunk: 0 }
If an error occured during a run
, you will receive:
{ stream: 'error', chunk: 'Error message' }
The server has a spam prevention against each run
request. The minimum
delay between two run request is fixed to 0.5 seconds, otherwise you will
receive an error.
Tests will also run inside Docker containers with the same environment as the CI server.
You need to pull the official ruby image to run the test suite:
docker pull grounds/exec-ruby
To run the test suite:
make test
To run specific test files or add a flag for mocha you
can specify TEST_OPTS
TEST_OPTS="test/utils.js" make test
Before sending a pull request, please checkout the contributing guidelines.
See authors file.
grounds-exec is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for full license text.