in cmd/shortener
go run main.go -s 'ssl'
in cmd/shortener
nodemon --watch ./ --exec go run ./cmd/shortener/main.go --signal SIGTERM
in cmd/shortener
nodemon --watch ../../ --exec go run main.go --signal SIGKILL
in root directory
run tests in root directory of project go test ./... -v
in internal/config DatabaseDSN change envDefault
in internal/handlers/bench
go test -bench=. -benchmem -benchtime=10000x -memprofile base.pprof
show pprof
go tool pprof -http=":9090" bench.test base.pprof
show difference
go tool pprof -top -diff_base=profiles/base.pprof profiles/result.pprof
go fmt before commit in root dir
go fmt ./...
in root dir
godoc -http=:9090 and tap in browser http://localhost:9090/pkg/?m=all
in root dir
swag init -g .\cmd\shortener\main.go
in internal/proto dir
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \