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Aim of this library is to provide more user-friendly and less epileptic scrolling effect on a long content by creating a customized easing and to apply this easing to all various types of scrolling on a page (see [Covered scenarios](#Covered scenarios)).


npm install @grifart/smoothscroll
# or
yarn add @grifart/smoothscroll


@grifart/smoothscroll exposes various functions to handle different types of scrolling in your application. Each function is importable through standard ES import directive.

Global scrolling behavior

Function Description
handleOnLoadScroll() Attaches scrolling to anchored element when the page is loaded.*
handleOnLinkClickScroll() Attaches scrolling to given element when user clicks on an a tag having href starting with # character.

Use these functions in top-level code:

import {handleOnLoadScroll, handleOnLinkClickScroll} from '@grifart/smoothscroll';


*Note: when page load lasts more than 500 ms, load scroll effect is disabled as it would lead to user-unfriendly behaviour like jumping on the page up and down due to browser native behaviour.

scrollToX functions

Function Parameters
scrollToElement(element[, onScrollFinishedCallback]) element: element to scroll to; onScrollFinishedCallback (optional): callback to trigger when scrolling is finished
scrollToOffset(topOffset[, onScrollFinishedCallback]) topOffset: scroll offset from top of document; onScrollFinishedCallback (optional): callback to trigger when scrolling is finished
scrollToTarget(targetHash[, onScrollFinishedCallback]) targetHash: instance of Hash value object* or hash a string; onScrollFinishedCallback (optional): callback to trigger when scrolling is finished

* Hash is a value object representing a hash being requested. You can easily initalize it with named constructor: Hash.fromString('#some-identifier')

More about

Custom scrolling effect

Improved scrolling effect (internally called ease-in-skip-out) is registered by default and it works as basic ease-in-out with one modification that it skips content if it is too long. This results in nicer transition between two distant parts in a page.

Covered scenarios

  • scroll when clicking a link with an anchor (<a href="#anchor">whatever</a>)
  • scroll when page is entered with an anchor (
  • scroll when programatically needed to scroll to:
    • given position (top offset)
    • given element
    • given target (id attribute)


# build image
docker build -t grifart-smoothscroll-dev .

# run from built image
docker run -it --rm -v .:/smoothscroll -w /smoothscroll grifart-smoothscroll-dev /bin/bash

# inside of the container
# install deps
yarn install
# build assets once
yarn build
# or run dev mode
yarn dev

Every piece of this library comes with its unit test sitting alongside the script. Whole library is covered by integration test sitting in src folder.
Note that you have to build assets first (yarn build) before running any test.