Project to archive the Books and Writers website ( - AKA Authors' Calendar) and associated Wikipedia tools.
This repository contains two distinct elements:
1. An archive of the Books and Writers website (
2. Source code to update Wikipedia using AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)
The project website is here.
The site is browsable here.
The website is already archived (Books and In case you want to do it again these are the steps:
- Download index page:
wget -q -O- "" > indeksi.htm
- Download author pages:
grep '<li><a href="' indeksi.htm | grep -oE "BooksAndWriters/[^.]*[^.]" | awk '{split($0,a,"/"); printf("wget --retry-connrefused --waitretry=1 --read-timeout=2 --timeout=5 --tries=1 --no-dns-cache -q -O- \"\" > %s.htm\n",a[2],a[2])}'
The project of updating Wikipedia is essentially complete so these scripts are no longer needed. They provide a basis for similar projects ie. automatically replacing certain text between ref and /ref pairs, and/or replacing external links with a new external link. This is a common task, in particular as websites go offline and need Wayback replacements and/or changing bare URLs to templates (such as migrating all the URLs to the {{findagrave}} template).
To run the script with AutoWikiBrowser (AWB):
0. Apply for AWB access (WP:AWB)
1. Download and install Cygwin.
2. Create a directory called "scriptname" (customize) in your /home/username directory
3. Create a directory called "temp" off of the one made in step 2 (eg. /home/username/scriptname/temp)
4. In AWB Tools->External Program Processing
Enabled (check)
Program or script: c:\cygwin\bin\tcsh.exe
Arguments or Parameters: /home/username/scriptname/script.csh "%%title%%"
Input/Output file: c:\cygwin\home\username\scriptname\temp\article.txt
A template written in Lua for linking to Books and Writers is at Template:Books_and_Writers
The Books and Writers website is Copyright Petri Liukkonen under the Creative Commons Finnish license BY-ND-NC (
The source code is Copyright User:Green Cardamom at with a MIT License.