Welcome to Popcorn, an aggregator and analyzer for your server logs. Its purpose is to provide a single interface where you can see what's going on in your code, what's happening with your servers and quickly detect problems caused by changes.
Popcorn is a log aggregator and analyzer for your server logs. Its purpose is to provide a single interface where you can see what's going on in your code, what's happening with your servers and quickly detect problems caused by changes.
- Send logs in realtime using UDP, don't block your running app
- Data encoded using protocol buffers for efficiency
- Log messages are categorized by node, node type, node version, severity and date
- Easily connect your app log messages from many platforms with available clients
Add popcorn as a dependency to an existing Erlang/OTP app by adding a reference in the rebar.config file.
Add popcorn as a dependency to an existing Erlang/OTP app by adding a reference in the rebar.config file.
Your app should supply a configuration for popcorn, which includes the user authentication policy. Possible options in the config are:
{popcorn, [
{udp_listen_port, 9125},
{http_listen_port, 9125},
{http_auth_enabled, true},
{http_auth_db_type, config},
{http_auth_users, [{<<"log_user">>, <<"log_password">>}]},
{log_retention, [{<<"debug">>, {hours, 2}},
{<<"info">>, {hours, 2}},
{<<"notice">>, {hours, 2}},
{<<"warn">>, {hours, 2}},
{<<"error">>, {months, 1}},
{<<"critical">>, {months, 1}},
{<<"alert">>, {months, 1}},
{<<"emergency">>, {months, 1}}]}
- Erlang R15B01 or later is required (for Cowboy dependency)
By default, the server will listen on port 9125 (both UDP and HTTP), so after running, visit http://{host}:9125 and you should see a login screen.
Thanks to the following: