- Backend code is stored in MongoDB Atlas using MongoDB Stitch as a REST API endpoint
- Front end headless buttons using GPIO pins on a Pi to call Stitch REST APOIs from UWP app on Windows 10 IOT Core
- Simple buttons in a Xamarin app for Android to call same REST APIs from Stitch
- MongoDB Charts to report on data visually
GPIO pinout can be found here
The C# projects each have a AppConstants.cs
file which is omitted here due to security for the strings. The format should be:
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace BabyReport
public static class AppConstants
public static string newEventEndpoint = ""; // trailing slash
public static string eventEndpointSecret = "";
public static string chartsEmbed = "";
public static int refreshSecDelay = 90;
// pin to push 3.3v gpio pin out
public static int pinAlwaysOn = 5;
// pee, poo, milk, formula gpio input pins
public static int[] pinList = new int[] { 6, 13, 19, 26 };