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Sample application Simplenodeservice

This sample app is a modified version of the Node.js sample app from the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Tutorial

I mainly use it to demonstrate continuous delivery, automated quality gates and self-healing of the Open Source project Keptn as well as the monitoring capabilities of Dynatrace

Extended Feature Set

I've modified and extended it with a couple of additional API calls such as:

  • echo a string
  • invoke a server-side URL and return the byte size
  • "login" with a username
  • get the currently running version

4 Builds with different behavior

I've also built-in an option to slow down server-side code execution or to simulate failed requests. The app also comes with 4 built-in "build number" behaviors - meaning - if you launch the app and tell it to run as Build 1, 2, 3 or 4 it shows slightly different behavior. You can also launch the application in Production or Non-Production Mode:

Build Behavior
1 Everything good
2 50% Failure Rate of /api/invoke
3 Everything good
4 20% Failure Rate of /api/invoke and twice as slow when running in production mode

Every build shows the build number and has its own color:

How to run it

There are different options on how to run / deploy that app

Run where How
Local npm start
Docker docker run grabnerandi/simplenodeservice:1.0.0

Build it yourself

You can build the app yourself and also use the for building the container and pushing it to your own container registry!


Simple Node.js based Microservice







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