A curated list of awesome things related to Gotenberg
👋 Want to add a link to the list? Read the contribution guidelines and open a PR to add it to the list!
- 🚀 PHP - gotenberg/gotenberg-php
- 🚀 PHP/Symfony - sensiolabs/gotenberg-bundle
- 🚀 TypeScript - cherfia/chromiumly
- 🚀 C# - ChangemakerStudios/GotenbergSharpApiClient
- 🚀 Python - stumpylog/gotenberg-client
- 🚀 Java - cherfia/jotenberg
- 🚀 Go - starwalkn/gotenberg-go-client
- 🚀 Ruby - sanzstez/gotenberg-ruby
- 🚀 Kotlin - marrek13/kotenberg
- Deno - EC-Nordbund/gotenberg
- Ruby - jbd0101/ruby-gotenberg-client
- JavaScript/TypeScript - yumauri/gotenberg-js-client - Gotenberg 6.x
⚠️ - Go - thecodingmachine/gotenberg-go-client - Gotenberg 6.x
⚠️ - PHP - thecodingmachine/gotenberg-php-client - Gotenberg 6.x
⚠️ - PHP - spacetab-io/gotenbserg-sdk-php - Gotenberg 6.x
⚠️ - Word Document Template to PDF - EC-Nordbund/docx-templates-to-pdf - Gotenberg 6.x
⚠️ - Java Cookbook
- getlago/lago - an open Source Billing API for Product Led SaaS. They use Gotenberg for PDF rendering.
- paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx - an active fork of jonaswinkler/paperless-ng.
- jonaswinkler/paperless-ng - an application that indexes your scanned documents and allows you to easily search for documents and store metadata alongside your documents.
- SCM-Manager - an application to share and manage your Git, Mercurial and Subversion repositories, with a Gotenberg plugin. See also their blog post.
- Corteza - a free, open-source, Low Code platform for building your organisation’s key applications. They use Gotenberg for PDF rendering.
- papihack/document-templating-service - a lightweight microservice for processing your documents, powered by a templating engine for injecting variables defined in it and use Gotenberg for PDF rendering.
- ShipSaaS/DocKing - an open-source microservice to manage document templates & render PDFs for your apps.
- Cassiopeia - a micro SaaS API that helps to streamline the creation of PDF documents for your application, offering features like merging and variable data embedding. It's a simple and reliable all-in-one solution for generating invoices, offers, reports, serial letters, etc.
- Pimcore - an open-source Data & Experience Management Platform: PIM, MDM, CDP, DAM, DXP/CMS & Digital Commerce.
- Gotenberg's documentation
- Gotenberg's GitHub organization
- Author's Bluesky
- Grafikart's tutorial 🇫🇷 - Gotenberg 5.x
⚠️ - ardas-it.com - How to Preview Document or File in a Browser for SaaS
- MaikuMori/helm-charts - A Gotenberg helm chart, also available on ArtifactHub