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Mak Ho Yin edited this page Mar 5, 2017 · 9 revisions


Setting a jail

  1. make sure there are blocks placed at two corners of the jail structure / 3D-area.
  2. make sure there is a block placed at the player-tp-arrive position of the jail
  3. Execute the command '/setjail <jail>' in-game. Make sure <jail> is a name that doesn't duplicate with other jails
  4. Tap the player-tp-arrive position
  5. Tap any of the two corners of the jail structure / 3D area
  6. Tap the remaining corner of the jail structure / 3D area
  7. Done! Players with '/jail' command permission can now jail players into the jail you've just set!

Removing a jail

  1. Make sure the target jail exists in the server
  2. The prisoners in the target jail will be switched to available jails if possible. Otherwise they will be unjailed.
  3. Execute the command '/deljail <jail>'
  4. Done!

Setting a mine

  1. Make sure the jail you want a mine to be set exists and is configured using '/setjail' command
  2. Make sure there is a 3D area for ores to be placed inside the target jail's structure / 3D area
  3. Place blocks at two corners of the 3D area that is for placing ores
  4. Execute the command '/jailmine set <jail>' in-game. Make sure is the name of a jail that exists in the server
  5. Tap any of the two corners of the 3D area for ores to be placed inside the target jail's structure / 3D area
  6. Tap the remaining corner of the 3D area for ores to be placed inside the target jail's structure / 3D area
  7. Done! Prisoners can now earn money by selling ores they've mined in the jail and have higher chance of bailing!

Jailing a player

  1. Make sure the target player is online and he/she is not jailed.
  2. Execute the command '/jail <player> <jail> <time|-i> <reason...>'.
    • Make sure is the name of a jail that exists in the server.
    • Time unit is the one set inside config. If the time unit is 'min' for example, then inserting '5' as <time> jails the player for 5 minutes.
    • Inserting '-I' for <time> jails the player forever until '/unjail <player>' is executed for the player
    • The reason parameter's length is not limited.
  1. Done!

Unjailing a player

  1. The target player could be offline (Only recommend unjailing offline players using Jail v1.0.1 or above versions)
  2. Make sure the target player is jailed
  3. Execute the command '/unjail '
  4. Done! If the player is online, he/she will be teleported to spawn position.
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